
《乾隆四十五年陕甘武闱题名碑》考释 被引量:1

Examination of the Stele of the Names of the Passers of Shaanxi and Gansu Provincial Military Examinations in the Forty-fifth Year of Qianlong Reign Period
摘要 《乾隆四十五年陕甘武闱题名碑》为同年陕西武举全世禄、尹绍伊与甘肃武举赵现麟等促成。题记述及雁塔题名旧制及该碑树立的缘由,间涉武科乡试相关内容。题名100人,分东、西两闱。东闱是参加陕西武科乡试中举者50人,全部来自今陕西。西闱是参加甘肃武科乡试中举者50人,其中32人来自今甘肃,11人来自今宁夏,6人来自今新疆,1人来自今青海。该碑对研究清代西北武科乡试有重要价值。 The Stele of the Names of the Passers of Shaanxi and Gansu Provincial Military Examinations in the Forty-fifth Year of Qianlong Reign Period is erected under the sponsoring of Quan Shilu and Yin Shaoyi from Shaanxi Province and Zhao Xianlin from Gansu Province,all three of whom were wu juren (passers of the provincial military examination).The inscription of this stele recorded the convention of engraving the names of the passers of the imperial examinations in the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda and the reason for the erecting of this stele,which involved the a ffairs about the provincial military examinations.In total 100 names of passers are engraved on this stele,which are divided into the east examination hall and west examination hall.The 50 passers whose names are engraved in the east hall were all from Shaanxi Province.Among the 50 passers in the west hall,32 were from present-day Gansu,11 were from present-day Ningxia,six were from present-day Xinjiang and one was from present-day Qinghai.This stele is signi ficantly valuable for the studies on the provincial military examinations in northwestern China during the Qing Dynasty.
作者 葛天 Ge Tian
机构地区 西安博物院
出处 《文博》 北大核心 2019年第3期63-68,共6页
关键词 乾隆四十五年 陕甘武闱 武科乡试 雁塔题名 名题荐福 Forty-fifth Year of Qianlong Reign Period (1780) Examination Halls of the Shaanxi and Gansu Provincial Military Examination Provincial Military Examinations Engraving Names in Giant Wild Goose Pagoda Engraving Names in Small Wild Goose Pagoda
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