
基于稳态转向特性的智能车辆换道轨迹规划 被引量:4

Lane Changing Trajectory Planning for Intelligent Vehicle Based on Steady Steering Characteristics
摘要 为提高智能车辆在高速公路上的换道安全性,分析了车辆在高速状态下的转向特性并对换道轨迹曲线的最大曲率进行限制,以防止车辆在换道过程中出现侧滑现象,分析了交通车对换道安全性的影响,利用多项式函数进行换道轨迹规划,以车辆侧向加速度和换道时间为换道优化函数的优化变量,建立了基于稳态转向特性和换道安全距离的换道模型。利用MATLAB和CarSim软件对换道轨迹进行仿真分析,结果表明,该换道轨迹规划方法能够安全平稳地实现智能车辆的换道行为。 In order to improve the safety of the lane changing of intelligent vehicles on the expressway,this paper analyzes the steering characteristics of the vehicle at high speed and limited the maximum curvature of the lane changing trajectory curve to prevent the vehicle from slipping during the lane changing.The paper analyzes the influence of traffic vehicles on the safety of lane changing and uses the polynomial function for the lane changing trajectory planning,and uses vehicle lateral acceleration and lane changing time as the optimization variables of optimization function.A lane change model based on steady state steering characteristics and lane change safety distance is established.The trajectory of the lane change is simulated by MATLAB and CarSim software.The simulation results show that the lane changing trajectory can safely and smoothly realize the lane changing behavior of intelligent vehicles.
作者 张新锋 李传友 夏八科 Zhang Xinfeng;Li Chuanyou;Xia Bake(Key Laboratory of Automotive Transportation Safety Enhancement Technology of the Ministry of Communication,Chang’an University,Xi’an 710064;School of Automobile,Chang’an University,Xi’an 710064)
机构地区 长安大学 长安大学
出处 《汽车技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第7期13-18,共6页 Automobile Technology
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(CHD2012JC048,72105473) 长安大学基础研究支持计划专项基金项目 汽车运输安全保障技术交通行业重点实验室开放基金项目
关键词 智能车辆 换道 轨迹规划 转向特性 安全距离模型 Intelligent vehicle Lane changing Trajectory planning Steering characteristics Safety distance model
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