"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is the first Chinese classic to be translated into Manchu. It was translated in the seventh year of Emperor Shunzhi' s reign (1650). It's expected to guide the Manchus to learn more about Han culture through the translation of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". In the works of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", there are a large number of cultural words with obvious characteristics of Chinese culture. In order to make the Manchu readers easy to read and understand , Manchu translators have adopted a variety of translation methods for these cultural words appearing in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Both literal translations have direct transliteration and literal translation. The substitution, addition, and omission methods are used to make up for the lack of translation caused by the differences between Han and Man cultures.
SHI Wen-yun(Manchu Department,First Historic Archives of China, Beijing 100031 , China)
Manchu Studies
"The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"
cultural words: Manchu translation