

Application of Learning Outcomes in Qualification Framework——Based on International Comparison
摘要 无论是在博洛尼亚进程还是在哥本哈根进程中,学习成果都被视为将各种政策与实践举措融合的“粘合剂”,并被各国运用以构建本国资历框架。当前越来越多的国家正在致力于建立国家资历框架,但由于文化传统等方面的不同,各国在运用学习成果的实践过程中也存在诸多差异,例如欧洲、德国、澳大利亚、爱尔兰这几个区域和国家的资历框架在成果框架、概念理解、维度划分与描述、资格类型、等级数量上均有不同并各具自身特色,尤其对于资历框架的维度划分与描述,各国在“知识”“技能”“能力”的基础上,根据本国国情,融入自身特色并进行合理化描述,从而制定了符合自身发展的资历框架。通过对这几个区域和国家的成果框架及其描述维度的分析与比较,可得出资历框架构建与发展一般规律,并希望借鉴其相关经验最终为我国未来建立资历框架提供思想导向及应用规律方面的启示。 In both the Bologna process and the Copenhagen process,"learning outcomes" are regarded as the "glue" that integrates policies and practices initiatives and is used by countries to build their own qualification framework. At present, more and more countries are devoting themselves to the establishment of national qualification framework. However, due to differences in cultural traditions and other aspects, there are great diversities in applying learning outcomes among different countries. For example, the qualification frameworks of Europe, Germany, Australia and Ireland are quite different and have their own characteristics in outcome framework, conceptual understanding, dimension division and description, types and grades of qualifications, etc. Especially for the dimension division and description of the qualification framework, on the basis of "knowledge","skills" and "competence", each country integrates their own characteristics and rationalizes the description to formulate the qualification framework in line with their current development situation. Through the analysis and comparison of the outcome frameworks and descriptive dimensions of these regions/countries, we can get the general rules of the construction and development of the qualification framework. Finally, it is hoped that drawing on lessons from their experience and provide relevant suggestions for establishment of the qualification framework in China in the future.
作者 谢莉花 何蓓蓓 XIE Lihua;HE Beibei(Tongji University, Shanghai 201804)
机构地区 同济大学
出处 《当代职业教育》 2019年第4期4-13,共10页 Contemporary Vocational Education
基金 国家社会科学基金教育学一般课题“德国职业教育治理体系应对‘工业4.0’的进程、举措、方向研究”(编号:BJA180104)
关键词 学习成果 资历框架 欧洲资历框架 学习成果维度 学习成果描述 终身学习 learning outcomes qualifications framework EQF learning outcome dimension learning outcomedescription lifelong learning
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