
中国共产党西藏基层组织建设的历程、成就及经验分析 被引量:3

Analysis of the Course,Achievement and Experience of the Construction of Tibetan Grass-roots Organizations of the Communist Party of China
摘要 西藏民主改革开启了中国共产党在西藏取得政权、为人民执掌政权的崭新时代,党的西藏基层组织也伴随着民主改革、自治区成立、社会主义改造建设、改革开放和加快发展的步伐逐步建立、发展和壮大起来,不断建强了人民当家作主、推动事业发展的广泛组织,造就了拥护党的领导、忠诚为民务实的干部队伍,做好了保障基层民生、实现发展进步的坚实工作,打牢了反对分裂破坏、维护和谐稳定的群众基础,汇聚了共建小康社会、圆梦中华复兴的强大力量。党在西藏基层组织建设的实践表明,要把基层党组织建好建强建先进,必须始终坚持党的性质和宗旨,坚持结合西藏实际做好群众工作,坚持抓好基层党员干部的培养,坚持从思想上、政治上、组织上、作风上建党,坚持与时俱进强基固本,打牢党在基层的执政根基。 The democratic reform in Tibet has opened a new era for the Communist Party of China to gain power in Tibet and assume power for the people.The grass-roots organizations of the party in Tibet have been gradually established,developed and strengthened along with the steps of democratic reform,the establishment of autonomous regions,the socialist transformation,the reform and opening-up and the accelerated development.Through Constant building and strengthening,the grass-roots organizations of the party in Tibet have been strengthened extensively.The people promoted the development of their undertakings as masters of their own affairs under the party’s leadership.It has brought up cadres who support the party’s leadership and are loyal to the people.It has done a good job in ensuring the livelihood of the grass-roots people and achieving development.It has laid a solid mass foundation against splitting and destruction and maintaining harmony and stability.It has brought together powerful forces for building a well-off society and realizing the dream of China's rejuvenation.The Party’s practice in the construction of grass-roots organizations in Tibet shows that in order to build a strong and advanced grass-roots party organization,we must always adhere to the nature and purpose of the party,adhere to the mass work in accordance with the actual situation in Tibet,adhere to the training of grass-roots Party members and cadres,adhere to the ideological,political,organizational and style of work,adhere to strengthen the foundation that advancing with the times,and firmly lay down the party's ruling foundation at the grass-roots level.
作者 屈鸿罡 Qu Hong-gang(Academy of Marxism of Party School of the Central Committee of CPC,Beijing 100091,China)
出处 《西藏研究》 北大核心 2019年第3期1-10,共10页 Tibetan Studies
关键词 中国共产党 西藏 基层党组织 历程 成就 经验 Communist Party of China Grass-roots Party organizations in Tibet Course Achievement Experience
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