The crime of abusing authority infringes double legal interests;one is impartiality of an official duty act as fundamental, and the other is personal rights and public interests as derivative. The conduct of abusing authority needs be interpreted based on the legal interests of impartiality of an official duty act, and it has four forms of manifestation. Meanwhile ,the term of " malpractice out of personal considerations" in Section 397 Paragraph 2 of the Penal Code should be understood as aggravated conduct of wrongdoing. With regard to " out of personal considerations", it is a motive of the defendant as subjective element, and " malpractice" belongs to a constitutive element of conduct;both of them exist as aggravating elements of wrongdoing." Heavy losses" in the crime of abusing authority has a position of consequence element like in negligent crimes, and such losses result from the actualization of the dangers inherent in the conduct of abusing authority. In the crime of abusing authority, the determination of result imputation does not require that the defendants act constitute a dominating force in the causal process resulting heavy losses, while it is only presupposed that the act plays an active part in their appearance. In view of its special constructions in the two levels of wrongdoing and culpability, the crime of abusing authority should be regarded as an independent hybrid crime type of intention and negligence besides intentional crime and negligent crime. Surely, this will help to resolve a growing disparity between general part and special part in the Chinese criminal law.
Science of Law:Journal of Northwest University of Political Science and Law
Protection legal Interests
conduct of abusing authority
malpractice out of personal considerations
heavy losses
hybrid crime type of intention and negligence