
湖南特产商标英译现状及英译策略探讨 被引量:1

Major Problems in Trademark Translation of Hunan Special Local Products and Their Solutions
摘要 "人类命运共同体"理念的提出和"一带一路"伟大实践为湖南特产商品走向全球市场提供了契机,高质量的英译商标是特产商品开拓海外市场的利器。为了解湖南特产商标英译现状,通过对采集到的1958个商标进行有针对性地研究,认为湖南特产商品商标的英译现状亟待改善。一方面,企业需要充分认识到商标是一种无形资产,也要认识到商标英译质量对于开拓国际市场的重要性,主动改善和提高英译质量;另一方面,政府相关部门需要积极引导企业建立英译商标,重视商标英译质量,鼓励和支持建立相关人才培养体系;第三,相关领域的专业人才应当主动帮助企业建立商品英译商标,帮助其提高和完善商标英译质量,为当地经济和特产商品生产企业发展提供服务。 The idea of "the community of human destiny" and the great practice of "one belt and one road" provide an opportunity for Hunan's special local products to move towards the global market.High-quality English-translated trademarks are a powerful tool for such products to develop overseas markets.In order to understand the current situation of the English translation of Hunan special local product trademarks,this paper makes a targeted study of 1958 trademarks collected,and concludes that the current situation of the English translation of such trademarks needs to be improved urgently.First of all,enterprises need to fully recognize that trademarks are intangible assets.At the same time,enterprises should pay attention to the importance as well as actively improve the English translation quality of such trademarks for the development of international markets.Then,relevant government departments need to guide enterprises to establish English-translated trademarks forwardly,help them to attach importance to the quality of English translation of trademarks,and encourage the establishment of relevant personnel training system.Finally,professionals in this field should take the initiative to help enterprises establish English-translated trademarks of commodities as well as help them improve the quality of translation,so as to provide services for the development of local economy and special local commodity production enterprises.
作者 蒋娟 谢志辉 JIANG Juan;XIE Zhihui(College of Foreign Language, Changsha University, Changsha Hunan 410022,China)
出处 《长沙大学学报》 2019年第4期91-94,共4页 Journal of Changsha University
基金 长沙市科技计划项目“湖南特产商标英译现状及对策研究”,编号:K1705093 湖南省中国特色社会主义理论体系研究中心长沙市基地委托项目“外语教学中向学生传输‘人类命运共同体’理念的意义和方法研究”,编号:2018CSSJD24 湖南省哲学社会科学规划项目“证照文本英译语用不得体现象研究”,编号:13WLH08
关键词 湖南特产商品 商标英译 现状与问题 翻译策略 Hunan special local product English translation of trademarks current situation and problems translation strategies
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