
“冰上丝绸之路”航线开发利用系统建设研究 被引量:1

Research on Construction of the System for Developing and Utilizing the Sea Routes of “Ice Silk Road”
摘要 北冰洋冰层融化导致的航线变化将对我国航运及国际海运贸易产生重大影响。我国积极回应俄罗斯“冰上丝绸之路”共建邀约,旨在将北极开发合作与“一带一路”倡议连接,其建设重点是对“冰上丝绸之路”海上运输通道的开发利用。为推进我国对冰上丝绸之路航线的开发利用进程,构建了“冰上丝绸之路”航线开发利用系统,包括以航运为中心的应用子系统、以战略管理为中心的开发子系统、以专家为中心的咨询子系统和以协调为中心的发展子系统。在构建各子系统框架的基础上,提出了“冰上丝绸之路”航线开发利用系统的结构、功能以及关键技术。 The opening of the potential new sea route caused by the shrinking of the Arctic ice can bring huge influence to China s shipping industry and global seaborne trade.China s positive response to Russia s cooperative invitation of constructing the “Ice Silk Road” together is meant to dock the Arctic development cooperation with the “One belt, One Road” initiative effectively.The key point of the construction is the development and utilization of the “Ice Silk Road” maritime transport corridor.In order to facilitate the process of developing and utilizing the sea routes of “Ice Silk Road” in China, a system for developing and utilizing the sea routes of “Ice Silk Road” is constructed.This system consists of four subsystems: the application subsystem centered by shipping, the exploitation subsystem centered by strategic management, the consultation subsystem centered by experts and the development subsystem centered by coordination.On the basis of constructing the framework of each subsystem, the structures, functions and key technologies are put forward for the system of developing and utilizing the sea routes of “Ice Silk Road”.
作者 李振福 李婉莹 蔡梅江 LI Zhen-fu;LI Wan-ying;CAI Mei-jiang(College of Shipping Economics and Management, Dalian Maritime University , Dalian 116026, China;College of Economics and Management, School of Economic and Management,Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology , Jilin 132000, China;COSCO SHIPING Specialized Carriers Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510627, China)
出处 《海岸工程》 2019年第2期144-153,共10页 Coastal Engineering
基金 国家重点研发计划资助项目——基于卫星组网的海洋战略通道与战略支点环境安全保障决策支持系统研发与应用(2017YFC1405600)
关键词 “冰上丝绸之路” 航线开发 系统思想 系统建设 中国 Ice Silk Road development of sea routes system ideas system construction China
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