
两组词汇“枇杷”与“琵琶”、“枇杷”与“卢橘”史料考析 被引量:3

Analysis of historical data on two groups of words: loquat and “Pipa”(Lute instrument), loquat and “Luju” plant
摘要 中国是枇杷原产地,有两千多年的枇杷记载历史;产生了若干重要的枇杷词汇,影响着世界枇杷的传播。因此,考析“枇杷”与“琵琶”、“枇杷”与“卢橘”这两组重要词汇的词源关系,将为枇杷的史实提供更可靠的证据。笔者借助音乐界、音韵学界、语言文字学界对于乐器“琵琶”源流查考的丰富研究成果,利用现代网络技术“阅读器”浏览浩如烟海的史料,对两对词组“枇杷”和“琵琶”、“枇杷”和“卢橘”的词源关系进行考析。重点辨析了枇杷叶“其形如琵琶,故名之”和“卢橘为枇杷的别称”这两个观点。资料表明,枇杷一词早于琵琶出现两三百年,枇杷名不是来源于琵琶;卢橘是芸香科的一种植物,用其指代枇杷的别称是一种误解。因此,枇杷叶“其形如琵琶,故名之”和“卢橘为枇杷的别称”这两个观点属于谬误,应予摒弃。 China is the origin region of loquat (Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.). The history of loquat cultivation has been recorded for more than 2000 years, which has produced a number of important loquat words and influenced the spread of loquat in the world. Therefore, a textual study of the etymological relationship between loquat and“Pipa”(Lute instrument), loquat and“Luju”will provide more reliable evidence for the historical facts of loquat.With the help of the rich research achievements of music, phonology and Linguistics circles on the origin and development of the musical instrument“Pipa”, and with the help of modern network technology“reader”to browse the vast sea of information, the etymological relationship between the two pairs of phrases“loquat”and“Pipa”,“loquat”and“Luju”was studied in this paper. The two viewpoints of loquat leaf“its shape is like Pipa, so it is named”and“Luju” is another name of loquat were analyzed. The data showed that the word loquat appeared two or three hundred years earlier than Pipa, The word“loquat”refers to the fruit plant loquat, which was planted earlier before the completion of the“Historical Records”, and is called“loquat”, which is recorded in Sima Qian’s“Historical Records”, which is the earliest record of loquat so far. However, the word“pipa”has not been found in the“Historical Records”. The Wei and Jin Dynasties, two or three hundred years after this, may appear. Therefore, Kou Zongyu said that loquat leaf“its shape is like a pipa, so the name”is not correct, has been circulated for more than 1 000 years, can no longer be“misleading” should be abandoned. As for how to express the origin of loquat name in the future, professionals can discuss whether it can be expressed as follows: loquat originated in China, began to grow in BC,“Records of History”clearly recorded“loquat”. In some necessary occasions, it may be added that the word loquat refers to fruit plants, much earlier than“pipa”refers to musical instruments. From the Northern Song dynasty to the present, many literatures quote Kou Zongyu’s“Materia Medica Yanyi” as saying: loquat leaf“its shape is like a pipa, so it is called”belongs to“to falsehood. Another key word, Luju”, it is not a loquat, may be one kind of Rutaceae plant, and it was a misunderstanding to use it to refer to the other name of loquat. As for why Su Shi insisted that Lu Orange was a loquat nickname in the Song dynasty, the reasons are not clear. However, because of his fame and influence, many people follow Su Shi and regard Lu Orange as a loquat nickname, or common name. So in the latter half of the nineteenth century, when the British introduced loquat from Guangzhou to Kew Gardens, the loquat was also transliterated as“Luju”and later evolved into loquat. How to express loquat alias in the future, professionals can also discuss whether it can be expressed as follows: loquat, once alias Luju, has been used since the Song dynasty, until the nineteenth century when Britain introduced loquat from China, there are also misuse Luju refers to loquat, known as loquat, now find out, historical records. The word “Luju”, which first appeared in China, does not mean loquat. In short, the two viewpoints of loquat leaf are fallacious and should be abandoned.
作者 林顺权 LIN Shunquan(College of Horticulture, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, Guangdong, China)
出处 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第7期922-927,共6页 Journal of Fruit Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(31560091) 农业部行业科技专项(201003073)
关键词 枇杷 琵琶 卢橘 Loquat(Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.) “Pipa”(Lute instrument) “Luju”(plant)
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