
推拿手法对家兔骨骼肌失神经支配后雪旺氏细胞S-100蛋白表达的影响 被引量:4

Effect of massage manipulation on the expression of S-100 protein in Schwann cells after denervation of skeletal muscle in rabbits
摘要 目的通过观察推拿家兔骨骼肌失神经支配后肌湿重、雪旺氏细胞S-100蛋白表达水平,探讨推拿手法对受损神经及失神经支配骨骼肌的影响。方法新西兰家兔120只,分为正常对照组、模型组、神经生长因子(NGF)治疗组、手法治疗组,每组30只,分别于手法干预2周、3周、1个月、2个月、4个月后,每组各取6只家兔,称量腓肠肌肌湿重,计算术侧与健侧的肌湿重比值;测定雪旺氏细胞S-100蛋白表达水平。结果(1)腓肠肌肌湿重比:与模型组比较,手法治疗组各时间点均增加[2周:(0.72±0.05)%比(0.53±0.01)%,3周:(0.55±0.04)%比(0.41±0.03)%,1个月:(0.55±0.99)%比(0.40±0.03)%,2个月:(0.49±0.03)%比(0.38±0.05)%,4个月:(0.50±0.03)%比(0.38±0.05)%,P均<0.05]。手法治疗组4个月时则显著高于NGF治疗组[(0.50±0.03)%比(0.42±0.02)%,P<0.05]。(2)雪旺氏细胞S-100蛋白表达:手法治疗组在各时期均高于模型组[2周:(27.00±6.29)比(10.33±1.51),3周:(33.17±5.27)比(20.83±3.87),1个月(51.00±4.56)比(21.17±4.62),2个月:(75.83±9.66)比(30.67±3.27),4个月:(116.67±3.10)比(53.17±7.52),P均<0.05]。手法治疗组在1个月、2个月均高于NGF治疗组[1个月:(51.00±4.56)比(32.83±4.12),2个月:(75.83±9.66)比(47.00±5.06),P均<0.05]。结论推拿手法可以延缓周围神经损伤后骨骼肌萎缩、变性,促进损伤神经的修复。 Objective To explore the effect of massage manipulation on injured nerve and denervated skeletal muscle by observing the wet weight of skeletal muscle and the expression of S-100 protein in Schwann cells after denervation in massage rabbits were observed. Methods One hundred and twenty New Zealand rabbits were divided into normal control group, model group, nerve growth factor(NGF) treatment group and manipulation treatment group, 30 animals in each group. After manipulation intervention for 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 1 month, 2 months and 4 months, 6 rabbits in each group were taken to weigh the muscle wet weight and calculate the ratio of the muscle wet weight between the operative side and the healthy side. Results (1)For gastrocnemius muscle wet weight ratio, compared to the model group, the manipulation treatment group increased at all time points. Two weeks:(0.72±0.05) vs (0.53±0.01), 3 weeks:(0.55±0.04) vs (0.41±0.03), 1 month:(0.55±0.99) vs (0.40±0.03), 2 months (0.49±0.03) vs (0.38±0.05), 4 months:(0.50±0.03) vs (0.38±0.05), P<0.05, respectively. Manipulation treatment group was significantly higher than NGF treatment group at 4 months,(0.50±0.03) vs (0.42±0.02), P<0.05.(2)For S-100 protein expression of Schwann cells, compared to model group, compared to the model group, the manipulation treatment group increased at all time points. Two weeks:(27.00±6.29) vs (10.33±1.51), 3 weeks:(33.17±5.27) vs (20.83±3.87), 1 month:(51.00±4.56) vs (21.17±4.62), 2 months(75.83±9.66) vs (30.67±3.27), 4 months:(116.67±3.10) vs (53.17±7.52), P<0.05, respectively. Manipulation treatment group was higher than NGF treatment group in 1 month and 2 months, 1 month:(51.00±4.56) vs (32.83±4.12), 2 months(75.83±9.66) vs (47.00±5.06), P<0.05, respectively. Conclusion Massage manipulation can delay the atrophy and degeneration of skeletal muscle after peripheral nerve injury and promote the repair of injured nerve.
作者 郭汝宝 Guo rubao(Department of Intervertebral Discs, Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, 310005, China)
出处 《浙江中西医结合杂志》 2019年第7期538-542,I0004,共6页 Zhejiang Journal of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.81303064,81873391)
关键词 新西兰家兔 推拿手法 骨骼肌失神经支配 雪旺氏细胞 S-100蛋白 New Zealand rabbit Massage manipulation Skeletal muscle denervation Schwann cell S-100 protein expression
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