

Memory Writing and Ethics in Los Girasoles Ciegos
摘要 2005年同时获得国家文学奖和文学批评奖的《盲目的向日葵》彰显了西班牙作家阿尔贝托·门德斯对内战记忆的追溯和对人类世界中伦理道德问题的探究。作者有意消解人们对西班牙内战的既有认知,淡化政治因素,转而利用记忆书写重返人物所处的伦理现场,聚焦其遭遇的伦理困境和身份危机,揭示战争对人类造成的巨大精神创伤;并通过不同叙事层面上的叙事者和被叙事者、作者和读者在面对记忆命题时做出的伦理选择,实现作者的伦理意图,即劝说读者承担过去,而不是忽略或遗忘。《盲目的向日葵》不仅通过记忆书写实现了对历史的多元化阐释,更为今天的读者从伦理道德角度反思历史和理解当下提供了新的典范。 Los Girasoles Ciegos,which won both the National Literature Award and the Literary Criticism Award in Spain in 2005,reveals how the Spanish writer Alberto Méndez traces the memories of the Spanish Civil War and explores the ethical issues in the human world.The author intends to dispel the common stereotypes towards the war,play down factors of politics,and recreate the ethical scenes for the characters through memory writing in order to underscore the ethical dilemmas and identity crises that the characters encountered and to unveil the great psychic trauma that the war inflicted upon humankind.Moreover,by analyzing the ethical choices made by various narrators and narratees,authors and readers at different narrative levels while confronting memory propositions,the author manages to achieve his ethical intention,namely,persuading his readers to bear the burden of the past,rather than ignore or forget it.Los Girasoles Ciegos not only presents a diversified interpretation of history through memory writing,but also provides a new model for today’s readers to reflect on history and comprehend the present from the perspective of ethics.
作者 邹萍 Zou Ping(School of Foreign Languages,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China)
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期129-138,共10页 Foreign Literature Studies
基金 国家社科基金青年项目“当代西班牙内战题材小说研究”(16CWW031)~~
关键词 《盲目的向日葵》 阿尔贝托·门德斯 记忆书写 伦理意义 Los Girasoles Ciegos Alberto Méndez memory writing ethics
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