目的:分析北京中医药大学附属护国寺中医院门诊中药饮片处方的用药现状和质量。方法:随机抽取门诊中药房2018年1-12月的中药饮片处方共6 125张,进行调查分析。结果:6 125张处方中不合理处方数为547张,占总处方比例的8. 93%;存在有毒中药超量的处方占比例最大,达54. 1%;其次是书写不规范处方99张,所占比例为18. 1%;单味药超量、单张处方量大、"十八反""十九畏"等情况分别占10. 6%、6. 8%、6. 2%。结论:本院存在有毒中药超量、处方书写不规范及用药超剂量等不合理情况,需针对可能给患者带来风险的因素进行重点改进。
Objective: To analyze current situation and quality of medication of prescriptions for TCM decoction pieces in Huguosi Hospital of TCM affiliated to Beijing University of CM. Methods: A total of 6,125 prescriptions of TCM in the outpatient pharmacy from January to December 2018 were randomly sampled for investigation and analysis. Results: The number of unreasonable prescriptions was 547,accounting for 8. 93% of the total prescriptions. The proportion of excessive prescriptions of toxic Chinese medicines was the largest,accounting for 54. 1%. The second was the non-standard writing of 99 prescriptions,accounting for18. 1%. The situation of excessive single prescription,large single prescription,eighteen antagonisms and nineteen mutual inhibitions accounted for 10. 6%,6. 8% and 6. 2% respectively. Conclusion: There are some unreasonable situations in our hospital,such as excessive toxic TCM,irregular prescription writing and excessive dosage of drugs. We need to focus on improving the factors that may bring risks to patients.
GUAN Zhen-ping(Huguosi Hospital of TCM Affiliated to Beijing University of CM , Beijing, China, 100035)
Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
TCM decoction pieces
toxic Chinese Medicine excess
lack of standardization of writing