

Mobile internet application and key data algorithm research of truck-mounted concrete pump
摘要 随着工程机械移动互联应用的逐步发展,手机APP以其方便携带和使用,正在成为工程机械客户管理车辆的有效手段.泵送方量是客户泵车施工过程中最为关注的数据,本文通过采用神经网络PID算法来控制泵送行程,并根据算法得出准确的泵送方量.将泵车施工关键数据通过GPS传输到数据平台,再推送给开发的手机APP,使客户通过移动互联设备实时了解施工工况.测试结果表明:运用基于神经网络PID控制算法,泵送全工况行程精度达96%以上,验证了神经网络PID算法的准确性;方量统计计算准确率>95%,移动APP提升了客户对于车辆管理的效率,提高了泵车的移动互联应用水平. The development of construction machinery’s mobile internet makes the mobile phone application more useful,which increasingly becomes the most efficient way to manage the machine for the clients.The pumping cube is the most concern data during the work process,this paper introduces a neural network PID algorithm to control the pumping displacement.The key data of truck-mounted concrete pump (TMCP) work transmitted to the data center,and after data treatment,the APP which have developed can receive the work data easily,which make our customer real-time know the machines’ work conditions.The experimental results demonstrate that the accuracy of control displacement is over 96%,the neural network PID algorithm is right.The pumping cube’s accuracy is over 95%.The mobile application (APP) can promote the management efficiency of TMCP,also increase the level of mobile application.
作者 张剑敏 赵鑫 付新宇 万梁 ZHANG Jianmin;ZHAO Xin;FU Xinyu;WAN Liang(R&D Center,Zomlion Heavy Industry Science and Technology Co.,Ltd.,Changsha 410205,China;R&D Center,Chinese National Engineering Research Center of Concrete Machinery,Changsha 410205,China)
出处 《中国工程机械学报》 北大核心 2019年第3期201-205,共5页 Chinese Journal of Construction Machinery
基金 国家重点研发计划资助项目(2018YFC0705800)
关键词 工程机械 混凝土泵车(TMCP) 神经网络PID算法 移动互联 手机应用 construction machinery truck-mounted concrete pump (TMCP) neural network PID algorithm mobile internet mobile phone application
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