Alternative performance measures disclosure has gained popularity on capital markets in recent years,It has been the focus of investors, security regulators and accounting standard setters. Based on Apple and Jingdong's case studies and review of the relevant empirical evidences,this paper examines the motivations,economic consequences of and stakeholders,reactions to alternative performance pleasures disclosure. The motivations include remedy of the weakness of GAAP performance measures for loss companies through adjusting non-cash items and items not reflecting the sustainable performance (Jingdong's case) and Challenging the relevance of GAAP performance measures ( Apple's case) because the applicable accounting rules does not reflect the material of Apple's business model and distorts the value and performance of Apple. There is no consensus on the relative usefulness of Alternative performance measures over its GAAP counterparts. Alternative performance measures could be misleading due to the lack of disclosure rules. Security regulators should enforce the mechanism to ensure the applications of its disclosure guidance,accounting standard setters should reform its standards and include some of the Non-GAAP measures in its standards to increase the information quality. Chinese accounting standard setter and regulators should keep close eyes on the development of the projects of performance measurement and modify relevant standards accordingly.
Accounting Research
Alternative Performance Measure
Decision Usefulness
Accounting Disclosure Standards
Security Market Information Disclosure