

Application of fixed formula Oxycodone combined with tramadol postoperative caesarean section
摘要 目的 :探讨联用盐酸羟考酮与盐酸曲马多对进行剖宫产手术后的产妇实施静脉自控镇痛的效果。方法 :选取2017年11月至2018年3月期间在成都双楠医院进行剖宫产手术的80例产妇作为研究对象。将这些产妇平均分为试验组和对照组。进行剖宫产手术后,均为这些产妇注射盐酸托烷司琼。在此基础上,用30mg的盐酸羟考酮和500mg的盐酸曲马多对试验组产妇进行静脉自控镇痛,用100μg的枸橼酸舒芬太尼和500mg的盐酸曲马多对对照组产妇进行静脉自控镇痛。然后比较两组产妇镇痛的效果。结果 :在手术后6h、12h、24h、48h,试验组产妇切口VAS评分、宫缩VAS评分均低于对照组产妇(P <0.05)。在手术后6h、12h,试验组产妇按压自控镇痛泵的次数均少于对照组产妇(P <0.05)。试验组产妇不良反应的发生率低于对照组产妇,但二者相比,P>0.05。结论 :联用盐酸羟考酮与盐酸曲马多对进行剖宫产手术后的产妇实施静脉自控镇痛的效果较为理想,安全性较高。 Objective To observe the effect and adverse reactions of fixed-formulated oxycodone and tramadol on postoperative analgesia after cesarean section.Methods Randomly selected from November 2017 to March 2018 in our hospital CSEA anesthesia full-term single-term cesarean section 80 cases were divided into experimental group and control group of 40 cases.Postoperative analgesic formula for the experimental group: oxycodone hydrochloride injection 30 mg + tramadol hydrochloride injection 500 mg;control group: sufentanil citrate injection 100 ug + tramadol hydrochloride injection 500 mg;both groups plus injection Tropisetron Hydrochloride 5 mg and 0.9% Sodium Oxide Injection to 100 ml. The patients were followed up for postoperative incision pain, contraction pain, sedation and nausea and vomiting at 6, 12, 24, and 48 hours after operation. The number of PCIA compressions, anus exhaust time, and postoperative abdominal distension, pruritus, and respiratory depression were recorded. Results Compared with the control group, the VAS scores of the incision pain and uterine contractions in the experimental group decreased significantly at 6, 12, and 24 hours after the operation. There were 4 cases of nausea in the experimental group and 5 cases of nausea in the control group. No bloating occurred in both groups. Itchy skin, respiratory depression and other adverse reactions. Conclusion The fixed formula oxycodone compound tramadol regimen is effective for analgesia after cesarean section, with fewer adverse reactions and higher patient satisfaction. It is a safe, effective and effective postoperative analgesic plan.It is suitable for most analgesia after cesarean section.
作者 朱志刚 ZHU-Zhigang(Department of Anesthesiology, Shuangnan Hospital of Chengdu,Chengdu Sichuan 614000)
出处 《当代医药论丛》 2019年第11期2-3,共2页
关键词 盐酸羟考酮 枸橼酸舒芬太尼 盐酸曲马多 盐酸托烷司琼 剖宫产手术 术后静脉自控镇痛 Oxycodone hydrochloride Sufentanil citrate Tramadol hydrochloride Tropisetron hydrochloride Cesarean section Postoperative controlled intravenous analgesia
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