目的了解安徽省农村地区40~60岁妇女中更年期综合征的发生率及其相关因素。方法采取分层整群抽样方法,抽取1 780名农村40~60岁女性,对这些人群开展面对面问卷调查。采用Kupperman评分量表进行更年期综合征的评分、分级和判定。结果共调查1 780名40~60岁农村妇女,平均年龄(50.0±5.6)岁。自我报告具有更年期综合征的有1 004人,发生率56.4%,其中轻度583人(占32.8%)、中度357人(占20.1%)、重度64人(占3.6%)。较为常见的症状依次是关节肌肉痛、烦躁易怒、眩晕、失眠、头痛和乏力(均高于45%)。单因素分析显示,年龄、文化程度等诸多因素影响更年期综合征(P<0.05)。多因素logistic回归分析显示,年龄、日常工作、BMI指数、睡眠、牙齿、视力、听力、腿脚、食欲状况、慢性病、焦虑和抑郁是更年期综合征的相关因素(P<0.05)。结论安徽省农村40~60岁妇女更年期综合征发生率较高,可能的影响因素包括年龄,日常工作、BMI指数、睡眠、牙齿、视力、听力、腿脚、食欲状况、慢性病、焦虑和抑郁等。
Objective To identify the prevalence and correlates of menopausal symptoms among rural women aged 40-60 in Anhui Province, China. Methods A stratified cluster sampling method was used to select 1780 rural women aged 40-60 in Anhui Province and conduted a face-to-face questionnaire survey. The Kupperman Rating Scale was used to evaluate, grade and judge the menopausal symptoms. Results There were 1780 rural women aged 40-60 participated in this study, with mean age of (50.0±5.6) years old. Among women who finished the Kupperman Scale, 1004 (56.4%) reported suffering with menopausal symptoms, among which, 583 (32.8%) had mild symptoms, 357 (20. 1%) had moderate symptoms, and 64 (3.6%) had severe symptoms. The main symptoms were muscle/joint pain,mood swings, vertigo, insomnia, headaches and fatigue (all over 45%). The univariate analysis showed that the prevalence of menopausal symptoms was associated with age, education background and other factors (P<0.05). Multi-variate Logistic regression analysis showed that the prevalence of menopausal symptoms was associated with age, daily work, BMI, sleep, teeth, vision, hearing, leg and foot, appetite, chronic diseases, anxiety and depression (P<0.05). Conclusion This study showed that the prevalence of menopausal symptoms was high among rural women aged 40-60 years old in Anhui Province. The possible risk factors include age, daily work, BMI, sleep, teeth, vision, hearing, leg and foot, appetite, chronic diseases, anxiety and depression.
JI Guoping;XU Xuewei;WANG Li;TONG Zhili;LIU Junshan(Anhui Provincial Center for Woman and Child Health, Hefei 230061, Anhui, China;Chuzhou Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Chuzhou 229000, Anhui, China;Suzhou Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Suzhou 234000, Anhui, China;Chizhou Mental Health Center, Chizhou 247000,Anhui China;Chuzhou Center for Woman and Child Health, Chuzhou 2390001 Anhui,China)
Anhui Journal of Preventive Medicine