

On Lao She’s Strategy of Advocating Resistance against Japanese Aggression Imbued in The Remnant Fog
摘要 老舍结合戏剧的文体特点与抗战文学的功能诉求,在其首部抗战剧《残雾》中实施了直接控诉、宣讲启蒙、批判警示、符号表征的抗战策略。直接控诉指的是进行抗战话语的直接表达,直接谴责日本侵略者;宣讲启蒙指的是使用布道式宣讲来启蒙读者观众,进而唤醒他们的抗战意识,分为直接宣讲启蒙和间接宣讲启蒙两种方式;批判警示是《残雾》主要的抗战策略。这种策略主要包括表层的现象批判和深层的心理批判,都是为了振聋发聩,揭示阻碍抗战的负面因素,从而引起国民警醒、促进抗战救国;符号表征主要是指《残雾》将一些典型的战时事件符号化、背景化,用以表征抗战时期的动荡局面,主要包括“电话号”“警报”“空袭”和“北方风景画”等。探究这些抗战策略,有助于了解老舍“戏剧抗战”的一般策略及其抗战书写的惯用方法。 Combining the stylistic features of drama with the functional demands of anti-Japanese war literature, Lao She employs a host of strategies to advocate resistance against Japanese aggression in his first four-act play The Remnant Fog, including direct accusation, preaching and enlightenment, critical warning and symbolic representation. Direct accusation refers to direct expression of anti-Japanese war discourse and direct condemnation of Japanese aggressors. Preaching and enlightenment refer to the use of preaching to enlighten readers and audiences, and then arouse their awareness of anti-Japanese war, which can be divided into direct preaching-based enlightenment and indirect preaching-based enlightenment. Critical warning, which is the main strategy of advocating resistance against Japanese aggression employed in The Remnant Fog, pertains to both criticism of social evils on the surface and criticism of distorted human psyche on the deep level. The purpose is to awaken the ‘deaf’ and reveal the negative factors that hinder the war of resistance, thus arousing national alert and promoting the establishment of a united country during the war of resistance. Symbolic representation mainly refers to the symbolization and backgrounding of some typical wartime events during the war of resistance against Japanese aggression, with representative ones being telephone numbers, air raid sirens, aerial attacks, and landscape paintings featuring northern China. Exploring these anti-Japanese strategies will help us to understand Lao She’s general strategy of advocating resistance against Japanese aggression through playwriting as well as the common writing methods adopted by him during that period.
作者 范庆超 FAN Qingchao(School of Chinese Language and Literature, Changchun Normal University, Changchun Jilin 130032, China)
出处 《南都学坛(南阳师范学院人文社会科学学报)》 2019年第4期52-56,共5页 Academic Forum of Nandu:Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Nanyang Normal University
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目“抗战时期满族文学的民族国家意识研究”,项目编号:14CZW066
关键词 老舍 《残雾》 抗战策略 Lao She The Remnant Fog strategy of advocating resistance against Japanese aggression
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