
浅谈中国传统文化与党建工作之融合 被引量:1

On The Integration of Traditional Chinese Culture And Party Building
摘要 中华民族在长期实践中培育形成了独特的思想理念和道德规范,比如忠君爱国、抑恶扬善、修身立德、以和为贵、敬业乐群、敬老爱幼等,这些思想理念和道德规范,形成了中国人独特的文化基因,构筑了中国人鲜明的文化语境。不论过去还是现在,都有其永不褪色的价值。可以说,在当代中国,如果脱离或忽视了中华民族这一独特的文化基因和文化语境,做任何事都将成为无本之木、无源之水。因此,只有根植于中华优秀传统文化这片沃土,将其中精髓融入到党建工作之中,以国人熟悉的文化语境阐述党建工作的要领,实现对中华优秀传统文化创造性转化和创新性发展,才能把党建工作做活、做实,达到生动灵活,深入人心、事半功倍的效果。 In the long-term practice,the Chinese nation has fostered unique ideological concepts and moral norms,such as loyalty to the monarch and patriotism,suppression of evil and promotion of good,self-cultivation and morality,harmony as the most precious,dedication to work and group,respect for the elderly and children,etc.These ideological concepts and moral norms have formed the unique cultural gene of the Chinese people and constructed the distinct cultural context of the Chinese people.No matter in the past or in the present,it has its eternal value.It can be said that in contemporary China,if we divorce from or neglect the unique cultural gene and cultural context of the Chinese nation,anything will become a tree without foundation and a water without source.Therefore,only by rooting in the fertile soil of Chinese excellent traditional culture,integrating its essence into the Party building work,elaborating the essentials of Party building work in the familiar cultural context of the Chinese people,realizing the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture,can we make the Party building work lively,practical,vivid,flexible,deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and achieve twice the result with half the effort.
作者 堵俊海 DU Jun-hai(Huaxi Packaging (Group) Co.,Ltd.,Chongqing 400013,China)
出处 《绿色包装》 2019年第6期45-48,共4页 Green Packaging
关键词 传统文化 国学 党建 企业管理 traditional culture Chinese learning party construction the enterprise management
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