
中国农产品关税配额制度的挑战与应对——基于“美国诉中国农产品关税配额案”的考察 被引量:2

The Challenges and Countermeasures of China’s Agricultural Products Tariff Quota System——Based on the Investigation of US v. China Agricultural Product Tariff Quota Case
摘要 “美国诉中国农产品关税配额案”是美国首次将中国农产品国内管理措施诉诸WTO争端解决机构的案件。基于农业贸易对中美两国的重要性及中国在新时代解决新矛盾的现实性,中国应认真研判美国相关诉称,并在坚持合规性实践的基础上,进一步完善农产品关税配额管理的透明度。具体而言,我国有必要坚持的合规性实践包括:维持农产品关税配额的“自用”、独立申报、未完全使用配额的申请人应受处罚以及国家发改委授权处理配额申请和分配等事宜。完善农产品关税配额管理的透明度包括:明确农产品关税配额的申请程序、及时公布农产品关税配额的申领信息、健全农产品关税配额的监督机制。 "The United States v. China Agricultural Products Tariff Quota Case" is the first case in which the United States has resorted to the domestic management measures of Chinese agricultural products to the WTO Dispute Settlement Body. It suggested that China should seriously judge the relevant US claims and improve the tariff quota management of agricultural products on the basis of adhering to compliance practicesfurther, based on the importance of agricultural trade to China and the United States and the reality of China's resolution of new contradictions in the new era, transparency. Specifically, it put forwardthe compliance practices that China must adhere to include: the “self-use”, independent declaration, and the incomplete use of quotas for agricultural products should be punished and the National Development and Reform Commission authorizes the processing of quota application and distribution. Improving the transparency of tariff quota management of agricultural products includes: clarifying the application procedures for tariff quotas for agricultural products, timely publishing information on the application for tariff quotas for agricultural products, and improving the supervision mechanism for tariff quotas for agricultural products.
作者 吴嘉鑫 WU Jia-xin(School of Law, Guangdong University of Finance, Guangzhou 510521, China)
出处 《中国林业经济》 2019年第4期21-27,共7页 China Forestry Economics
基金 2018年广东大学生创新实践项目“WTO农产品关税配额制度变革的中国方案研究”(201811540054)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 农产品 关税配额 WTO agricultural products tariff quota WTO
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