
稠李巢蛾性引诱剂生产应用技术研究 被引量:2

Application Technology of Sexual Attractant for Yponomeutidae evonymellus L.
摘要 在内蒙古阿龙山林业局研究了稠李巢蛾性引诱剂应用技术,通过在稠李林中的对性引诱剂诱捕器设置不同高度、距离稠李林边缘的不同距离的诱集效果及稠李巢蛾昼夜反应节律的系统研究,掌握性引诱剂诱捕稠李巢蛾雄蛾相关应用技术。在诱捕器悬挂高度方面,性引诱剂诱捕器设置高度以0.5 m为最佳,雄蛾诱集量最大达到78.22头/器·d;设置诱捕器距离林缘50~300 m均可诱集到雄蛾,最佳诱蛾距离为100 m左右,测算最远诱捕距离为330 m;首次掌握了性引诱剂诱捕器对稠李巢蛾雄蛾昼夜活动节律,上午5:00~11:00为雄蛾主要活动期,傍晚19:00~23:00也有一个活动小高潮,这表明性引诱剂诱捕器可以掌握稠李巢蛾成虫的每天的活动节律。以上应用技术研究可以为稠李巢蛾的监测预报及防治决策提供重要依据。 Through the research on the trapping effect at different heights and at different distances from the edge of Prunus padus and the systematic study on daily response rhythm of Yponomeutidae evonymellu,the relevant technology of trapping male moth of Yponomeutidae evonymellu with sexual attractant have been mastered. The optimum height of setting the sexual attractant trap is 0. 5 m,and the trapping capacity of male moth reaches a maximum of78. 22 heads for each trap in a day. The male moth can be trapped within a distance of 50-300 m from the forest edge. The best distance of trapping moth is about 100 m,and the farthest calculated distance is 330 m. For the first time,the daily activity rhythm of trapping the male moth of Yponomeutidae evonymellus with sexual attractant has been mastered. The main activity period of the male moth is 5: 00-11: 00 in the morning,and there is also a small activity climax at 19: 00-23: 00 in the evening. This shows that the sexual attractant trap can master the daily rhythm of the adults of Yponomeutidae evonymellus. These applied technology research can provide an important basis for monitoring and forecasting Yponomeutidae evonymellu,as well as the prevention and control decisions.
作者 张军生 王鹏 朱雪岭 徐贵臣 李洪峰 ZHANG Jun-sheng;WANG Peng;ZHU Xue-ling;XU Gui-chen;LI Hong-feng(General Station of Forestry Quarantine, Administration Bureau of Key State-owned Forest in the Greater Xing’an Mountains of Inner Mongolia, Yakeshi City 022150, China;Station of Forestry Quarantine, Alongshan Forestry Bureau, Inner Mongolia, Genhe City 022362, China)
出处 《内蒙古林业科技》 2019年第2期52-54,共3页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Forestry Science and Technology
关键词 稠李巢蛾 性引诱剂 应用技术 防治 Yponomeutidae evonymellus L. sexual attractant application technology prevent and control
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