

An Analysis of the Causes and Characteristics of the New Standard Italian
摘要 从20世纪80年代起,在全意大利范围内产生了一种与传统语法相别的新标准意大利语,其使用语域从口语体逐渐延伸至半正式与正式书面语体中。新标准意大利语产生与发展的原因可从三个方面分析:语言本身的内在驱动力和灵活度是新标准意大利语产生的内因;战后意大利特殊的历史及政治文化背景成为推动其发展的外因;早期被排除在规范语之外的古意大利语口语特征是新标准意大利语产生的根基。新标准意大利语的主要特征可从语音、词汇、句法与形态四个层面进行分析,句法形态层是意大利语变革的重要领域,标记系统的改变导致了左右移位、悬置话题、分裂结构与ci呈现句等现象的扩张,时态语态系统及代词系统均出现了重构。新标准意大利语正处在融汇与形成的过程中,探究其形成原因与具体表现,对开展国内意大利语教学工作具有重要意义。 From the 1980s onwards, a new variation of Italian different from the traditional one was produced in the whole of Italy, whose use extended from the oral register to the semi-formal and formal written register. The origin and development of the new standard Italian can be analyzed from three aspects. First, the intrinsic driving force and flexibility of the language itself are the internal causes of the new standard language. Secondly, the historical, political and cultural background in Italy was the external cause. Finally, the ancient Italian spoken language, which was excluded from the normative one, became the foundation of the new standard Italian. The new standard Italian has 24 main features analyzed from the phonetic, lexical, syntax and morphological layers. The morphological layer is the important field of changes which include the alteration of mark system leading to the expansion of left-right dislocation, hanging topic, split phrase and presentation structure and the reconstruction of tense and pronoun system. The study of the causes and specific characteristics of the new standard Italian is helpful to understand the main development of Italian and to the teaching of Italian in China as well.
作者 彭倩 PENG Qian(College of Foreign Languages,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China)
出处 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2019年第3期34-44,共11页 Journal of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
关键词 意大利语 新标准意大利语 语音词汇 句法形态 Italian new standard Italian phonetic lexical morphosyntax
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