
轨道交通大跨度小曲线半径连续刚构设计研究 被引量:1

Study on Design of Long-span Small-curved Radius Continuous Rigid Frame for rail Traffic
摘要 现先介绍宁波轨道交通四号线跨杭甬客专节点桥梁的设计方案。接着,以该桥为背景,针对大跨小曲线半径连续刚构的受力特点,以理论计算、实体模型、杆系模型等数值对比分析为手段,研究了扭转对梁体受力的影响,提出了以应力叠加为基础,以Midas三维杆系模型为主,综合ANSYS杆系模型进行应力修正的大跨曲线梁桥设计方法。该桥的设计方案及计算方法可为国内类似工程的设计提供借鉴。 This paper introduces the design scheme of the bridge of Ningbo Metro Line 4 spanning Hangzhou - Nongbo Passenger Railway. Taking this bridge as the background, and according to the comparison and analysis of theoretical calculation, solid model, trussing model and the other numeric values, this paper studies the effect of torsion on the beam force in view of the loading features of long-span small-curved radius continuous rigid frame, and puts forward the design method of long-span curved beam bridge by the stress superposition as the basis, the Midas 3D trussing model as the main and using ANSYS trussing model for stress correction. The design scheme and calculation method of this bridge can be referred for the design of the similar projects in China.
作者 黄华琪 贾亦俊 刘世佳 Huang Huaqi;Jia Yijun;Liu Shijia
出处 《城市道桥与防洪》 2019年第7期90-94,M0012,共6页 Urban Roads Bridges & Flood Control
关键词 轨道交通 大跨度 小半径 曲线梁桥 不对称悬浇连续刚构 rail traffic long span small radius cured beam bridge asymmetry cantilever casting continuous rigid frame
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