
浅析《三体合璧般若波罗蜜多经八千颂》版本特征 被引量:3

A Brief Analysis of the Version-characteristics of The Eight-thousand Gathas of the Three-form Prajna Paramita Sutra
摘要 《三体合璧般若波罗蜜多经八千颂》木刻经版是在德格印经院完工之前26年就已经雕刻完毕,是德格印经院镇院之宝,对研究佛教传播发展、梵文演变以及藏文书法、雕刻艺术等,都具有特别重要的史料价值、版本价值和观赏价值。本文通过分析《三体合璧般若波罗蜜多经八千颂》的版式特性、主要内容、历史意义、梵译藏经历的过程等版本特征,获得了对于藏文雕版印刷传承和保护状况的基本认识。此版本明确记载了施刻人的施刻愿文,写、校、刻工的姓名、雕版年月、刊刻地点以及并将在德格地区不断推进雕版印刷的传承和利用的嘱托。这些都是后来德格土司藏文雕版印术的发展使得藏文书籍形式统一、版面标准化、字体固定、校勘仔细等独具风格的典型范例,面对今后的传承、保护、发展具有较强的操作性。 The woodcut edition of " The Eight-thousand Gathas of the Three-form Prajna Paramita Sutra " was carved 26 years before the completion of Dege Sutra-printing House, and it is the most precious treasure of the printing house. It has very important historical, edition, and ornamental value for studying the spread and development of Buddhism, and the evolution of Sanskrit, Tibetan calligraphy and sculpture art. Through the analysis of the edition features of " The Eight-thousand Gathas of the Three-form Prajna Paramita Sutra ", namely, the typographic features, main contents, historical significance, and the process of Sanskrit translation into Tibetan, this paper has obtained a basic understanding of the inheritance and protection of Tibetan engraving printing. This edition clearly records the inscription of the donators' wishes, the name of the writer, proofreader and carver, the year and month of the engraving, the place of the engraving, and the entrustment to promote the inheritance and utilization of engraving printing in Dege area. These are typical examples of the unique style of Tibetan books, such as unified form, standardized layout, fixed font, careful collation and so on, as a result of the development of Tibetan engraving and printing by Dege Chieftain. Facing the future inheritance, protection and development, all the methods mentioned above have much strong operability.
作者 噶玛降村 Gama Jiangcun
机构地区 不详
出处 《四川民族学院学报》 2019年第4期1-5,共5页 Journal of Sichuan Minzu College
关键词 德格印经院 三体合璧 般若经 文献遗产 Dege Sutra-Printing House Three-form combination Prajna Paramita Sutra documentary heritage
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