
聚焦思维素养的儿童编程教育:概念、理路与目标 被引量:37

Children Programming Education Focusing on Thinking Literacy: Concept, Practical Path and Target
摘要 儿童编程教育的真正目的在于训练儿童思维方式,提高理论思维能力,倡导"用编程学"而非"学编程"。儿童编程教育研发人员与教育工作者不能窄化编程教育本源之意,其开展目的不应单纯地作为儿童学业选拔的筹码抑或未来职业准备,而应以思维培养为落脚点。教育行政部门政策性支持是儿童编程教育在我国大规模推广的前提;同时也需学科教师的课堂践行,将编程思想内化为教学方式;将编程素养作为一种无形的哲学方法论指导儿童的日常生活实践,方能体现作为一种思维方式教育的普世价值;同时也需公司企业、高校科研院所等对儿童编程教育理念的技术与学术性支持,拓宽儿童编程教育研发平台与视野,助力更高层次和更深入的研究与发展。儿童编程教育应以儿童问题解决过程中的思维养成为目标,问题思维的形成是开启儿童未来能力发展的第一步;算法思维的培养与应用是问题解决的重要方式依据及实现途径;批判思维承担着监督监控的角色,帮助把握问题解决的正确方向;合作思维不仅是加速问题解决的技能同时也作为一种情感助力;创新思维的养成是儿童编程教育的终极目标,培养具有终身创造力的儿童,以迎接全面人工智能时代的到来。 The real purpose of children’s programming education is to train children’s way of thinking, improve their theoretical thinking ability, and advocate “using programming to learn” instead of “learning programming”. Researchers and educators of children's programming education should not narrow down the meaning of the origin of programming education. Children programming education should not be carried out simply as a bargaining chip for children's academic selection or future career preparation, but should take the thought training as the foothold. The policy support of educational administrative departments is the premise of the large-scale promotion of children programming education in China.At the same time, Teachers of the subject should practice programming thinking in the classroom, internalize the programming thought into teaching methods and cultivation, and dig deeply into the knowledge content in textbooks. Programming literacy as an intangible philosophical methodology to guide children's daily life practice, can reflect as a way of thinking education universal value. At the same time, it also needs technical and academic support from enterprises, universities and scientific research institutes on the concept and implementation of children's programming education, so as to broaden the platform and vision of children's programming education research and development, and facilitate higher level and deeper research and development. The significance of children's programming education should aim at the cultivation of children's thinking in the process of solving problems. The cultivation of problem thinking is the first step to start the development of children's ability in the future. The cultivation and application of algorithmic thinking is an important way to solve problems. Critical thinking plays the role of supervision and can grasp the correct direction of problem solving. Cooperative thinking is not only a skill to speed up problem solving, but also an emotional aid. The cultivation of innovative thinking is the ultimate goal of children's programming education, to cultivate children with lifelong creativity, so as to meet the arrival of the era of comprehensive artificial intelligence.
作者 孙立会 Sun Lihui(School of Education, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350)
出处 《中国电化教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第7期22-30,共9页 China Educational Technology
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“世界主要国家教材建设研究”(项目编号:18JZD017)研究成果
关键词 儿童编程教育 实践路径 思维素养 Children Programming Education Practical Path Thinking Literacy
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