
初产妇产后抑郁症的母乳喂养相关影响因素分析 被引量:9

Related factors of breast feeding and postpartum depression of primiparous women
摘要 目的了解初产妇产后抑郁症现状及其影响因素。方法采用爱丁堡产后抑郁症自评量表(EPDS),于2018年7—9月抽取东莞市妇幼保健院的208名初产妇进行调查。结果初产妇产后EPDS得分为(10.69±4.90)分,EPDS得分在9~12分者76例(44.7%),EPDS得分≥13分者49例(23.5%)。二元Logistic回归分析发现居住环境、计划母乳喂养时间和因乳头皲裂而停止母乳喂养是影响初产妇产后抑郁的相关因素,3个自变量预测力为25.7%(R^2=0.257)。结论初产妇产后抑郁症受到居住环境、计划母乳喂养时间和因乳头皲裂而停止母乳喂养的影响,应尽早对初产妇实施综合化的护理干预措施。 Objective To understand the situation of postpartum depression among primiparous women and its risk factors. Methods A total of 208 primiparas from Dongguan Maternal and children Health Care Hospital were recruited by convenience sampling. Their Data were collected by the chinese version of the edinburgh postnatal depression scale(EDPS) from July to September, 2018. Results The mean score of EDPS among primiparas was (10.69±4.90);44.7%(n=76) scored 9-12 points and 23.5%(n=49) scored more than 13 points. The bivariatelogistic regression analysis revealed there variables that explained 25.7%(R2=0.257) of the variance on EDPS among primiparous women. Living conditions, the time planning to breastfeed and breastfeeding terminated due to chapped nipples were the main factors. Conclusion According to the present study, the living conditions, the time planning to breastfeed and breastfeeding terminated due to chapped nipples are important factors for EDPS. Integration nursing approach should be made for primiparous women as soon as possible.
作者 黄丽华 周晨慧 梁曼 Huang Lihua;Zhou Chenhui;Lian Man(Nursing Department,Dongguan Maternal and Childdren Health Care Hospital,Dongguan 523000,China;Department of Women and Children Nursing,School of Nursing,Guangdong Medical University,Dongguan523808,China;Deparernent of Obstetrics,Dongguan Maternal and Childdren Health Care Hospital,Dongguan523000)
出处 《国际医药卫生导报》 2019年第14期2230-2232,共3页 International Medicine and Health Guidance News
基金 广东省哲学社会科学“十三五”规划2017年度学科共建项目(GD17XJY35) 广东医学院大学生创新实验项目(2017FYDN001).
关键词 产后抑郁症 母乳喂养 初产妇 影响因素 Postpartum depression Breastfeeding Primipara Tnfluencing factors
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