
高质量发展背景下政府市场监管的路径方向——基于317个地市级政府绩效评估结果的分析 被引量:1

The direction of government market supervision under thebackground of high quality development——Based on the analysis of 317 prefecture-level government performance evaluation results
摘要 经济新常态下进一步完善市场监管体系是政府职能转变和行政体制改革的重要内容,是实现国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的现实要求。通过对全国317个地市级政府绩效评估结果的分析发现,政府市场监管综合绩效水平呈现低水平下的小幅度提高,但分职能领域绩效差距较大,政府产品质量监管绩效“短板”突出;东北地区政府整体绩效表现低迷,西部个体绩效差距显著。研究得出,经济的活跃程度在一定程度上影响地方政府市场秩序监管水平,市场主体活跃度越高,市场秩序监管压力就越大;营商环境越好经济发展亦好,其投资率、实际利用外资金额就越高;政府知识产权保护和科技高投入是地方自主创新能力的驱动力,创造良好的营商环境,加强知识产权保护和产品质量监管,激发市场创新活力,通过区域一体化联动发展带动地方自主创新发展无疑是政府加强市场监管的着力点和方向。 It is an inevitable requirement for realizing the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity that Further strengthening, improving market supervision and promoting the scientific and effective market supervision under the new economic normal, which is also a major issue that the government urgently needs to solve. Through the performance evaluation of 317 prefecture-level governments across the country, it is found that the comprehensive performance level of market-level government supervision in the country shows a small increase under low level, but the performance gap in sub-function areas is large, and the short-term performance of product quality performance is prominent;The overall performance of the Northeast is sluggish, and the gap in individual performance in the West is significant. Further research has found that the degree of economic activity affects the level of local government market order regulation to a certain extent;the better the business environment, the better the economic development, the higher the investment rate and the actual amount of foreign investment;the prefecture-level government in the Yangtze River Delta The cultivation of intellectual property infringement and innovation ability has created a better environment for scientific and technological innovation to a certain extent, and has enhanced the independent innovation power of the region. The radiation driving and agglomeration effects of urban agglomerations are obvious. Creating a good business environment, strengthening intellectual property protection, and stimulating market innovation vitality will undoubtedly become the focus of future government market supervision functions.
作者 刘朋朋 Liu Pengpeng(Institute of Political Science Chinese Acdemy of Social Science, Beijing 100028)
出处 《重庆社会科学》 CSSCI 2019年第7期75-87,共13页 Chongqing Social Sciences
基金 中国社会科学院创新工程项目“行政管理体制改革与政府绩效评估研究”(2019ZZXS004)
关键词 政府绩效评估 市场监管 企业行为 产品质量 市场秩序 Government performance evaluation Market regulation Corporate behavior Product quality Market order
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