

Energy consumption analysis for hydrogen production by electrolysis of glucose
摘要 新型高效生物质电解制氢技术通过使用杂多酸作为催化剂和电荷载体,能够将几乎所有的生物质原料直接电解得到氢气,效率高、能耗低,具有极大的应用价值。本文搭建了以葡萄糖为原料的生物质电解制氢实验系统,并构建了制氢能耗的物理模型,从制氢速率和能量转化率两方面研究了电解葡萄糖的制氢性能。实验结果表明:采用该技术的制氢速率可达58.88 mL/min,计算得到制氢电耗为2.132 (kW·h)/m^3,能量转化率可达10.465%,其中在预处理阶段能耗最大,约占总能耗的73.187%;通过分析各部分能耗的特点,提出改变泵运行策略,利用太阳能等可再生能源进行预处理,可极大地提高能量转化率。 By using heteropoly acid as catalyst and charge carrier, the new high-efficiency biomass electrolysis technology for hydrogen production can electrolyze almost all biomass raw materials to obtain hydrogen, which has the advantages of high efficiency and low energy consumption. Therefore, it has great application value. The experimental system of hydrogen production by electrolysis of biomass using glucose as raw material was established, and a physical model for energy consumption of hydrogen production by electrolysis was established. The hydrogen production performance by electrolysis of glucose was studied from two aspects of hydrogen production rate and energy conversion rate. The results show that, the hydrogen production rate of this technology can reach 58.88 m L/min and the electricity consumption of hydrogen production is calculated to be 2.132(k W·h)/m^3. The energy conversion efficiency can reach 10.465%. In the process of pretreatment, the energy consumption is about 73.187% of the total energy consumption. By analyzing the characteristics of energy consumption of each part, it is proposed to change the pump operation strategy and use solar energy and other renewable energy for pretreatment, which can improve the energy conversion efficiency greatly.
作者 王桂洲 王修彦 王梦娇 张秩鸣 徐冬 孙振新 WANG Guizhou;WANG Xiuyan;WANG Mengjiao;ZHANG Zhiming;XU Dong;SUN Zhenxin(School of Energy Power and Mechanical Engineering,North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206,China;Guodian New Energy Technology Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 102209,China;Beijing Key Laboratory of Power Generation System Functional Material,Beijing 102209,China)
出处 《热力发电》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第7期149-154,共6页 Thermal Power Generation
基金 国家能源集团科技创新项目(2017B1BE00100) 北京市科技重大专项(Z171100002017021)~~
关键词 生物质 葡萄糖 电解制氢 制氢速率 能耗 能量转化率 biomass glucose electrolytic hydrogen production hydrogen production rate energy consumption energy conversion efficiency
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