In the course of tax policy reform for many years in China, the government has formulated many policies to reduce taxes in order to improve domestic demand, stimulate economic potential, but the objectives of such policies are mostly oriented towards the demand side. The formulation of tax reduction policy for the supplier is the key point for the upgrading and transformation of China’s tax policy. In recent years, although the implementation of domestic tax reduction measures has played a lot of positive roles in the process of economic growth, such as promoting the development of China’s entity industry to a large extent, effectively alleviating the downward pressure of the economy and so on. However, due to the lack of correct theoretical basis and experience, and influenced by various subjective and objective reasons, there are still various shortcomings and difficulties in the policy reform. Based on this background, considering the application status of tax reduction and fee reduction policy in practice, it is suggested that we should choose taxpayer status, improve tax statutory and system design, make full use of tax preferential policies, and improve the quality of financial personnel. It is for providing a reference for the follow-up reasonable design.
Business & Economy
tax and fee reduction
sense of acquirement