修订后的《政府信息公开条例》第 55条删除旧法第 37条的“参照执行”规定,把公共企事业单位信息公开的规范依据和监督救济交由主管行政部门负责,实现“脱条例化”。但这一改革偏离全球主流、缺乏比较法根据、违反比较法经验、忽视本土语境,将导致我国公共企事业单位信息公开立法模式杂糅,并带来规范缺位、标准不明和救济堪忧等系统性挑战。因此,有必要顺应世界潮流,通过出台统一的具体规定,尽快将公共企事业单位重新纳入《政府信息公开条例》的框架,建立起普适性、民主性的公共企事业单位信息公开制度。
In the recent revision of the Regulations on the Disclosure of Government In-formation, the provision on “implementation by reference” in Article 33 was deleted by Article 55 and the responsibilities for the normative basis of, supervision over, and remedy for the dis-closure of information about public enterprises and institutions were transferred to competent ad-ministrative authorities, thus realizing their decoupling from administrative regulations. Howev-er, this reform measure deviates from the global mainstream, lacks comparative law basis, con-travenes comparative law experience,and ignores local context. As such, it will confound the legislative mode of the disclosure of information about public institutions and enterprises, and lead to such systematic problems as absence of norms, unclear standards, and poor remedies. Therefore, it is necessary for China to adapt itself to the global trend, adopt unified and con-crete provisions to bring public enterprises and institutions back under the framework of the Regulations on the Disclosure of Government Information, and establish a universal and demo-cratic system of disclosure of information about public enterprises and institutions.
Global Law Review