
全员竞争情报2.0有效实施的关键影响因素识别——基于扎根理论分析 被引量:1

Identifying Key Influencing Factors of Effective Implementation of Enterprise All-the-staff Competitive Intelligence 2.0: Based on Grounded Theory
摘要 目前缺乏全员竞争情报2.0(CI2.0)有效实施的系统性研究。文章创新性地提出全员CI2.0的组织模式和组织实施因素的理论框架。通过深度访谈和基于扎根理论的编码分析,对概念反复提炼,得出平台汇聚能力、情报组织生态、战略意义构建、正式管控机制、文化激活效能5个关键因素。由此构建了全员CI2.0有效实施的因素模型。最后针对中国情境,从变革角度提出建议。 There is currently no systematic study on the effective implementation of all-the-staff Competitive Intelligence 2.0(CI 2.0).This paper innovatively proposes a theoretical framework of organizational model and organizational implementation factors of all-the-staff CI 2.0.Through in-depth interviews and coding analysis based on grounded theory method,the concept is repeatedly refined.Then five key factors are obtained which involves platform attraction ability,intelligence organization ecology,strategic sense making,formal control mechanism,and cultural activation efficiency.Besides,the conceptual model of the influencing factors for the effective implementation of all-the-staff CI 2.0 is build.Finally,some suggestions are put forward from the reform perspective.
作者 宋新平 熊妍 姚伟 刘昊来 Song Xinping
出处 《情报理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第7期74-79,共6页 Information Studies:Theory & Application
基金 国家自然科学基金项目“Web 2.0下全员有效参与竞争情报的行为形成机理及治理策略研究”(项目编号:71573107) 天津市教委科研计划项目“面向社会网络的个性化知识服务研究”(2017SK007) 2018年国家社会科学基金项目“互联网知识付费业态下图书馆知识服务优化机制及对策研究”(项目编号:18BTQ032)的阶段性成果
关键词 WEB2.0 全员竞争情报2.0 影响因素 扎根理论 识别方法 Web 2.0 all-the-staff Competitive Intelligence 2.0 influencing factor grounded theory identification method
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