
施肥制度对水稻土壤nosZ型反硝化细菌群落的影响 被引量:8

Responses of the nosZ-denitrifying bacterial communities to fertilization regimes in paddy soils
摘要 由含氧化亚氮还原酶(NOS)的反硝化细菌驱动的氧化亚氮(N2O)还原成氮气(N2)的过程是N2O排放的重要调控途径。为探明施肥对稻田土壤nosZ型反硝化细菌群落的影响,采用荧光定量PCR和高通量测序等方法,研究了湖南省宁乡县长达30年的定位试验条件下4种施肥制度[不施肥(CK)、化肥(CF)、70%化肥+30%有机肥(CFM1)和40%化肥+60%有机肥(CFM2)]对水稻土壤nosZ型反硝化细菌数量和群落结构的影响。结果表明:不同施肥处理nosZ基因丰度为2.14×108~6.09×108copies·g-1干土,施肥处理nosZ基因拷贝数比对照低47.3%~64.8%(P<0.05),但不同有机肥配施比例处理间nosZ基因拷贝数差异不显著;变形菌门是优势门水平类群,占总序列的60.2%~77.5%;Bacteriaunclassified、Proteobacteriaunclassified、Betaproteobacteriaunclassified和根瘤菌目为优势目水平类群,占总序列的93.6%~95.9%。施肥显著降低了Proteobacteriaunclassified的相对丰度(P<0.01),但显著提高了根瘤菌目、environmentalsamples和红环菌目的相对丰度(P<0.05);施肥显著改变nosZ型反硝化细菌的群落结构,但有机肥配施比例对其影响较弱;除碳氮比外,其他土壤理化性质均显著影响nosZ型反硝化细菌的数量和群落结构,其中,硝态氮和土壤p H是驱动nosZ型反硝化细菌群落变化的主要因子;施肥显著影响nosZ型反硝化细菌数量和群落结构,有机肥配施比例对nosZ型反硝化细菌群落的影响较弱,研究结果为进一步阐述施肥制度对土壤反硝化微生物的影响提供依据。 The reduction of nitric oxide( N2 O) to dinitrogen( N2) in denitrification is performed by the nosZ-type denitrifying bacteria,which plays a key role in regulating N2 O emission. To verify the effects of fertilization on the nosZ-type denitrifying bacterial communities in paddy soils,real-time PCR and high-throughput sequencing approaches were applied to investigate the abundance and structure of the nosZ-type denitrifying bacterial communities in a 30-year fertilized paddy soil in Hunan Province,China. The abundances of nosZ gene ranged from 2. 14 × 108 to6.09×108 copies·g-1 dry soil. The nosZ gene abundances in the fertilized treatments( chemical fertilizer,70% chemical fertilizer + 30% organic manure,and 40% chemical fertilizer + 60%organic manure) were 47.3%-64.8% lower than that of CK( P<0.01). Organic manure application rates rarely affected the nosZ gene abundance. Proteobacteria was the predominant phylum,accounting for 60.2%-77.5% of the total reads. Bacteriaunclassified,Proteobacteriaunclassified,Betaproteobacteriaunclassified,and Rhizobiales were the abundant order groups that represented 93.6%-95.9% of the total reads. Fertilization significantly decreased the Proteobacteriaunclassified abundances( P<0.01) and significantly increased the relative abundance of Rhizobiales,environmental samples, and Rhodocyclales in the fertilized soils compared with CK( P<0.05). Fertilization altered the nosZ-type denitrifying bacterial community structure. Organic manure application rates had minor effects on the community structure. All the examined soil properties,expect for C/N ratio,were significantly correlated with the abundance,relative abundance of some order groups and structure of the nosZ-type denitrifying bacterial communities,with nitrate and soil pH were the most important factors affecting the nosZ-type denitrifying bacterial community structure. These results indicated that fertilization significantly changed the abundance and structure of the nosZ-type denitrifying bacterial communities,while organic manure application rates showed limited effect. Our results provided basis for further research on the effects of fertilization on the denitrifying bacterial community.
作者 王培欣 杨亚东 王占海 曾昭海 WANG Pei-xin;YANG Ya-dong;WANG Zhan-hai;ZENG Zhao-hai(College of Agronomy and Biotechnology,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,China;Hulun Buir Agricultural Radio and TV School,Hailaer 021008,Inner Mongolia,China)
出处 《生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第7期2072-2079,共8页 Chinese Journal of Ecology
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFD0300205-01) 国家自然科学基金项目(31671640)资助
关键词 反硝化作用 氧化亚氮还原酶 nosZ基因 群落结构 高通量测序 denitrification nitrous oxide reductase nosZ gene community structure high-throughput sequencing
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