

An Epistemological Critique of Kant’s Concept of Natural Purposes:Focusing on the Transition from the First Critique to the Third Critique
摘要 目的论思想从其发轫伊始,就在西方哲学传统中肩负着重要的认识论功能,却在近代思想中颓然式微.而康德以其批判哲学的理路捍卫和重塑了目的论的全新形象,并为其认识论意蕴预留了地盘,凸显了二者的辩证张力.从自然目的理念在《纯粹理性批判》中的提出,到"纯粹理性的建筑术"之构想,以致隐秘地过渡到《判断力批判》的自然合目的性和自然目的概念,显露出康德目的论批判的完整运思道路.康德正是沿着第一批判开辟的道路,以"先天综合判断"为隐性纲领,在第三批判中引入"自然的技艺"来充当反思判断力的类比原理——取代"图型论",以完成自然合目的性的"客观化"演绎,即目的论证明.据此,康德一方面批判地裁制了自然目的概念的认识论价值,另一方面也演示了理性与知性协同运作于自然目的概念中的判断力机能. Teleology has played an important epistemological role in the western philosophical tradition since its inception, but its importance declined in modern thought. Kant, with his critical philosophy, defended the importance of teleology and reconstructed a new image for it, reserving a place for its epistemological implication and highlighting the dialectical tension between his critical philosophy and teleology. The complete thinking path of Kant’s critique of teleology can be found in his wide range of theorizations from the idea of natural purposes put forward in his Critique of Pure Reason to the composition of his“ Architecture of Pure Reason”, which ultimately leads to a covert transition to purposiveness of nature and natural purposes in his Critique of Judgment. Kant, following the guidance of synthetical judgments a priori along the road paved by the first critique, introduced“ technic of nature” into the third critique to act as the analogical principle of reflective judgment, replacing the“ theory of schema” to complete the“ objective” deduction of the purposiveness of nature. In so doing, Kant, on the one hand, criticized the epistemological value of natural teleology;he, on the other hand, demonstrated how reason and understanding work harmoniously in the concept of natural purpose under the function of judgment.
作者 牛俊友 NIU Junyou(School of Marxism, Huaiyin Normal University ,Huai’an 223300)
出处 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期149-160,共12页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 江苏高校哲学社会科学基金项目“康德目的论思想及其当代价值研究”(2017SJB1597)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 目的论 建筑术 判断力 自然目的 自然合目的性 teleology architectonic judgment natural purposes purposiveness of nature
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