

摘要 根据《高等学校商务英语专业本科教学质量国家标准》,基于认知语言学的语言观、教学观,尝试建构“语言-内容-交际”的融合型综合商务英语教学模式。该模式具备三大特征:1.认知体验与情感目标协同发展;2.形式、意义与功能协同发展;3.语言知识、商务内容、跨文化交际能力协同发展。该模式突显语言知识与商务内容之间的关联,有效内化商务知识,提高依托学科语境的跨文化交际能力,引导学生从“语言学习”向“语言使用”转变。 Based on the National Criterion of Teaching Quality for BA Program in Business English and the views of language and teaching in cognitive linguistics, the teaching mode of integrated business English-an integration of language, cognition and communication-is established. The mode is of three basic features. Feature 1: cognitive embodiment and emotional goal collaboratively develop. Feature 2: form, meaning and function within one construction collaboratively develop. Feature 3: language knowledge, business contents and intercultural communication competence collaboratively develop. The mode builds the positive correlation between "language" and "content", effectively internalizing major knowledge and cultivating intercultural communication competence under the subject context. Finally, it promotes students to realize the transformation from "language learning" to "language using".
作者 唐婧
出处 《高教学刊》 2019年第16期69-71,共3页 Journal of Higher Education
基金 广州工商学院2018校级特色专业建设项目“商务英语”(编号:TS201802)
关键词 认知语言学 “语言-内容-交际”的教学模式 综合商务英语 cognitive linguistics "Language-Content-Communication" teaching mode Integrated Business English
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