李大庄勘查区位于河南省东部,面积42.03 km^2。侵入煤系地层的岩浆岩,侵入煤层,使煤层变质为天然焦。李大庄勘查区赋存大量的天然焦资源,在许可范围内,估算天然焦资源量面积,三2天然焦为5.09 km^2,二2天然焦为15.27 km^2。勘查区内共获得天然焦资源量共6 446万t。根据煤质分析结果显示,李大庄勘查区各可采煤层为低灰、特低硫、高发热量煤,天然焦为中高灰、低硫、中低发热量煤。各煤层的磷、氯、砷含量均较低,各可采煤层属中等可选-难选煤,各煤层可用于动力用煤。
Lidazhuang exploration area is located in the eastern part of Henan Province, with an area of 42.03 km^2. The magmatic rock that invades the coal-bearing strata invades the coal seam and degrade the coal seam into natural coke.Lidazhuang exploration area has a large amount of natural coke resources. Within the scope of the permit, the natural coke resources were estimated, the 三^2 natural coke is 5.09 km^2, and the natural coke of the 二2 is 15.27 km^2. A total of 64.44 million tons of natural coke resources were obtained in the exploration area. According to the analysis results of coal quality,the coal seams in the Lidazhuang exploration area were low ash, extra low sulphur and high calorific coal, and the natural coke was medium and high ash, low sulphur and medium and low calorific coal. The content of phosphorus, chlorine and arsenic in each coal seam was low, and each recoverable coal seam was moderately selectable-difficult coal, and each coal seam could be used for power coal.
Zhang Shaobin(No.129 Exploration Team, China Coal Geology Bureau, Handan 056004, China)
Coal and Chemical Industry
Lidazhuang exploration area
natural coke
coal quality