

Design and Implementation of Online Building System for Chinese-English News Comparable Corpora
摘要 可比语料库是重要的基础资源,在线挖掘可比语料是构建大规模可比语料库的有效途径,合适的语料来源网站和有效的可比度计算方法能够简化在线挖掘过程。选择环球时报英文版和凤凰网作为语料来源,设计了一个中英新闻可比语料库在线构建系统。测试结果表明,系统能够连续稳定地生成可比语料。 Comparable corpora are useful lingual resources.Mining comparable texts online from the web is an effective way to building comparable corpora of large scale.Suitable source websites and effective comparability measurement will facilitate the mining process.An online mining system for Chinese-English bilingual news comparable corpus is designed with globaltimes.cn and ifeng.com as the English and Chinese news source websites respectively.The system test results indicate that it can output comparable news pair steadily.
作者 赵永标 张其林 谷琼 ZHAO Yongbiao;ZHANG Qilin;GU Qiong(School of Computer Engineering,Hubei University of Science and Arts,Xiangyang 441053,Hubei,China)
出处 《安顺学院学报》 2019年第3期121-124,共4页 Journal of Anshun University
基金 国家语委十三五科研规划项目“基于主题模型的Web可比语料在线挖掘研究”(项目编号:YB135-22)
关键词 双语语料库 可比语料库 可比度 新闻 bilingual corpora comparable corpora comparability news
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