
沙漠化土地及其治理研究推动北方农牧交错区生态恢复和农牧业可持续发展 被引量:14

Research in Desertification Mechanism and Reversion Techniques Promotes Sustainable Restoration of Degraded Ecosystem and Agro-pastoral Development
摘要 土地沙漠化问题在我国北方农牧交错区尤为突出。中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院奈曼沙漠化研究站(以下简称"奈曼站")围绕北方农牧交错带典型区科尔沁沙地的土地沙漠化治理和农牧业经济持续发展,长期开展荒漠生态系统协同保护和合理利用的机理研究、过程监测、技术试验与示范等工作,取得了卓有成效的成绩。经过30多年的发展,奈曼站已经成为我国农牧交错地带荒漠化土地治理的野外观测研究平台,提出的"奈曼沙漠化土地综合整治模式"及其相关理论和技术不仅被国内同类沙漠化地区的生态治理实践广泛采用和借鉴,还被联合国环境规划署(UNEP)、联合国开发计划署(UNDP)以及联合国其他相关机构作为长期培训教材和科普推广内容;同时,奈曼站坚持研发农牧业经济可持续发展的关键技术并示范应用,引种适地丰产作物及林草果蔬植作物品种,提高农牧民的经济收入和生活质量,为农牧交错带土地沙漠化趋势"初步得到遏制和整体呈现逆转态势"作出了贡献。1998年,奈曼站获得联合国环境署和粮农组织联合颁发的"拯救干旱区土地成功业绩奖"。随着全球气候变化及社会经济发展带来的土地利用压力持续增加,该区域出现了可利用水资源减少、区域生态资源过度开发、得到治理的沙漠化土地再次退化等新问题。针对新的问题,奈曼站的观测与研究工作将重点围绕水资源制约的关键因子开展植被-土壤系统协同演变机理研究,研发水分、土壤与生物资源有效利用和区域农牧业持续发展的关键技术与模式,构建新的符合区域生态环境建设、可持续土地利用与管理以及社会发展的科技支撑体系。 Land degradation is one of the long-term challenging eco-environmental problems and it was even worse at the agropastoral transitional region in China in the 1980s.Taking the Horqin Sandy Land as a case study of the agro-pastoral transitional region,Naiman Desertification Research Station,Northwest Institute of Eco-environment and Resources,Chinese Academy of Sciences has made a series of achievements in the research on the mechanism of desertification-prone ecosystems,desertification monitoring,restoration techniques trial and demonstrations,and dissemination of in-depth research findings.It has been one of the leading research and data collection platforms in the research and observation of fragile ecosystems,particularly in academic research and technical development for combating desertification in China.The innovative models,represented with the Integrative Model for Combating Desertification and Promoting Development,have been widely adopted for restoration of desertification-prone land sand sustainable land management (SLM).Naiman Station was awarded by UNEP and UNDP for its success in saving the drylands.With this model,Naiman Station has successfully introduced more than 100 species of crops,vegetables,fruit trees,and grasses and developed related techniques for ecological conservation,local economic development,and improvement of livelihood of local people.The station has made a profound contribution to combating desertification in Horqin Sandy Land and in Northern China as a whole.Naiman Station will challenge the mounting issues of water scarcity caused by growing land use pressure and climate change,through carrying out continuous research in the mechanism of synergic succession of soil-plant subsystem.Based on the achievement of this valuable research,this station will develop more adaptive techniques and models for sustainable land management,and provide immediate scientific and technological supports to the ecological shelters and sustainable development in Northern China.
作者 李玉霖 赵学勇 刘新平 李玉强 罗永清 连杰 段育龙 LI Yulin;ZHAO Xueyong;LIU Xinping;LI Yuqiang;LUO Yongqing;LIAN Jie;DUAN Yulong(Naiman Desertification Research Station,Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Lanzhou 730000,China)
出处 《中国科学院院刊》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第7期832-840,共9页 Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences
关键词 农牧交错区 土地沙漠化 农牧复合生态系统 生态建设 可持续发展 agro-pastoral transitional region desertification agro-pastoral ecosystem ecological restoration sustainable development
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