
不同区域稻米及蒸煮水源对其食味品质的影响 被引量:2

Effect of Rice from Different Regions and Cooking Water on Their Cooking Quality
摘要 比较不同区域稻米品质及水源对其蒸煮食味的影响。选用3个不同区域的稻米(编号为H1,D2和S3)进行品质测定,用自来水(TW)、自制蒸馏水(DW)和农夫山泉饮用天然水(NW)等3种不同水源的水质进行蒸煮后评价其食味品质及质构特性。H1、D2和S3的平均垩白粒率分别为(23.17±0.76)%,(9.55±0.76)%和(21.77±2.11)%,D2的垩白粒率和垩白度显著低于H1和S3(p<0.05)。H1的直链淀粉含量(24.10±2.21)%高于D2(19.23±1.67)%和S3(19.70±1.79)%。D2胶稠度为(83.08±4.64)mm,与S3胶稠度(56.52±3.25)mm存在显著差异(p<0.05)。3种稻米蛋白质含量依次为:H1>S3>D2,H1的蛋白质含量显著高于D2和S3(p<0.05)。D2的食味品质评分最高(88),高于H1和S3。经TW蒸煮的H1和S3稻米的硬度显著高于DW蒸煮后的(p<0.05),D2的弹性经NW蒸煮后显著高于TW蒸煮处理(p<0.05)。D2稻米品质优于S3和H1,NW蒸煮食味品质最佳,在稻米蒸煮时可利用优质水源;在水稻品种选育工作中可适当通过降低垩白粒率和直链淀粉含量等来改善其食味品质。 In order to compare the qualities of the rice varieties and the impact of cooking water on their cooking qualities three rice varieties(H1, D2 and S3) were selected from 3 different areas for evaluation of their quality and were then cooked with water from three water resources, tap water(TW), distilled water(DW) and Nongfu spring water(NW) to evaluate and detect their relative cooking qualities and textural characteristics. The results showed that the rice varieties H1, D2 and S3 contained(23.17±0.76)%,(9.55±0.76)% and(21.77±2.11)% of chalky rice rates by average, respectively, and that D2 had significantly lower chalky rice rate and chalkiness than the H1 and S3(p<0.05). The H1 contained(24.10±2.21)% of amylase, which was higher than that of the D2(19.23±1.67)% and the S3(19.70±1.79)%. The D2 had a gel consistency of(83.08 ±4.64)mm, significantly different from that of the S3((56.52 ±3.25)mm)(p<0.05). The 3 rice varieties contained protein in the order of H1>S3>D2, and H1 contained significantly higher protein than the D2 and the S3(p<0.05). The cooking quality of the D2 was upto 88 out of 100, a bit higher than that of the H1 and S3. The hardness of H1 and S3 cooked with TW was significantly higher than that cooked with DW(p<0.05). The springiness of the D2 cooked with NW was significantly higher than that cooked with TW(p<0.05). The quality of the D2 was better than the S3 and H1, and the cooking quality was the best when it was cooked with NW. To improve the cooking quality of rice variety, high-quality cooking water could be used. Moreover, the decrease of chalky rice rate and amylose contents could be considered during the rice breeding as they also affect the cooking quality of rice varieties.
作者 朱文东 贾文珍 赵家钏 李世杰 赵益萌 姬文俊 ZHU Wendong;JIA Wenzhen;ZHAO Jiachuan;LI Shijie;ZHAO Yimeng;JI Wenjun(College of Life Sciences and Agriculture,Ankang University,Ankang,Shanxi 725000;Laboratory of Selenium-rich Food Engineering,Ankang,Shanxi 725000)
出处 《热带农业科学》 2019年第5期75-80,共6页 Chinese Journal of Tropical Agriculture
基金 陕西省科技厅农业科技创新与攻关项目(No.2014K01-05-01)
关键词 稻米 水质 质构特性 食味品质 rice water quality textural characteristics cooking quality
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