

Moral and Philosophical Basis of Discourse Phenomena
摘要 话语是人们用来表达意志、传递信息的工具,是作为人们交往的有声语言和文字符号系统,本身并无善恶之分、好坏之别,只存有准确和效率问题。然而,如若争夺、垄断话语,或制造话语,借以表达自己的意志,以达到支配他者观念与行动的目的,那么就具有了鲜明的正当性问题。然而,无论从国家治理还是从社会管理的角度看,拥有和使用话语权都是极为重要的事情。对争夺、垄断话语权现象的正当性基础进行分析和论证,就成了道德哲学和伦理学的任务。道德哲学的任务是对话语权的正当性基础进行分析和论证,伦理学则为一种正确和正当的话语现象进行伦理基础的奠基。善良意志、实践理性、实践法则是道德哲学论证话语现象的核心词;目的之善和手段之善是进行伦理基础奠基的核心词。对话语现象进行一般哲学批判,旨在澄明人类创造、传播和践行话语体系的人性根据与社会基础;对话语现象进行道德哲学批判,旨在建构通过创造、传播、践行话语体系的伦理基础;直面道德事实自身,旨在给出创造、传播和践行合理而有效话语体系的道路与方式。 People use discourse as a tool to express their will and deliver information. As a system of verbal language and character symbols used in people's communicative action, there is no distinction between right and wrong or good and evil in discourse itself;veracity and efficiency are all that matters. However, as long as someone contends for and monopolizes discourse, or invent discourse in order to express his own will as to achieve the goal of dominating others' view and action, then there emerges a stark question of legitimacy. Nevertheless, whether from the perspective of national governance or social management, owing and using the power of discourse is essentially important. Therefore, one take for moral philosophy and ethics is to analyze and argue the legitimacy foundation of the contest and monopoly of discourse phenomenon. The task of moral philosophy is to provide analysis and argument of the legitimacy foundation of discourse power;by comtrast, ethicslays the ethical groundwork for the right and proper discourse phenomenon. In the moral philosophy argument for discourse phenomenon, good will, practical reason and practical law are the three kernel words;for ethical groundwork, the goodness of end and instrument consist of the kernel words. A general philosophical critique of discourse phenomenon aims to clarify the humanity nature and social basis for people's creation, disseminate and practice a discourse system;a moral philosophy critique of discourse phenomenon aims to construct an ethical foundation through creating, creation, disseminate and practice a discourse system;and the goal of confronting the moral facts themselves is to provide a way and means of creating, disseminate and practice a reasonable and valid discourse system.
作者 晏辉 YAN Hui(School of Philosophy and Law,Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai 200234,China)
出处 《江苏行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期5-13,共9页 The Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute
基金 国家社科基金重点项目“转型期中国伦理基础变迁及其重建研究”(16AZX018)的阶段性成果
关键词 话语 话语权 制造话语 意志支配 好社会 好生活 discourse discourse power making discourse will dominating good society good life
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  • 2康德.《实践理性批判》.桂林:广西师范大学出版社,2002.
  • 3亚里士多德.《尼各马可伦理学》.第304,305页.廖申白译.北京,商务印书馆,2003.









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