当前中国大气污染状况十分严重,主要城市大气环境中总悬浮颗粒物浓度普遍超标。中国政府实施禁止污染企业生产和车辆限行等一系列措施来治理空气污染,取得了一定的成绩。耐药型超级细菌的出现和二氧化碳等温室气体的大量排放等问题导致中国居民幸福感下降。为了从根本上解决以上提到的问题,各国政府和企业也尝试利用互联网打造现代化的城市管理平台,提出智慧城市(Smart City)的概念。Airlite“智慧技术”通过对光触媒进行技术革新,可以有效消灭超级细菌、减少空气污染和降低空调制冷能耗,成为实现智慧城市的有效助力。
At present, the air pollution situation in China is extremely serious, and the concentration of total suspended particulate matter in the atmospheric environment of major cities is generally exceeding the standard. The Chinese government has implemented a series of policies to control air pollution, such as prohibiting the production of polluting enterprises and vehicle restrictions, and has achieved certain results. The emergence of drug-resistant super bacteria and the massive discharge of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide have led to a decline in the happiness of Chinese residents. In order to fundamentally solve the problems, governments and enterprises have also tried to use the Internet to create a modern urban management platform. They proposed the concept of smart city. Airlite "smart technology" can effectively improve photocatalyst technology. Eliminating super bacteria, reducing air pollution, reducing energy consumption in air conditioning. It will become an effective boost to smart cities.
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