

Analysis of key technologies of ingate breaking at super-large cross section
摘要 针对马头门处施工不当易造成原结构的变形,增大地表的沉陷,严重时甚至引起结构破坏的问题。结合贵阳地铁某车站斜井入超大断面正洞时的处置方法,对马头门开挖方法做了详细的介绍,同时,阐述了马头门处一些常见问题,为类似工程施工提供经验借鉴。 The improper construction of ingate can easily cause the deformation of the original structure,increase the subsidence of the surface,and even cause the structural damage when it is serious. The excavation method of ingate is introduced in detail based on the disposal method at the entrance of a inclined shaft in Guiyang Metro Station. At the same time,it expounds some common problems in ingate. To provide experience for the construction of similar projects.
作者 刘灯凯 饶军应 吴红军 李佳禧 Liu Dengkai;Rao Junying;Wu Hongjun;Li Jiaxi(School of Civil Engineering,Guizhou University,Guiyang 550025,China;China Railway 12th Engineering Group No.3 Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Taiyuan 030000,China)
出处 《山西建筑》 2019年第15期63-64,共2页 Shanxi Architecture
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51608141)
关键词 地铁隧道 超大断面 马头门 subway tunnel super-large cross section ingate construction
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