

Between Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism——Based on the Discussion of the Life Meaning in Modern China
摘要 中国传统伦理思维建构在“家一国一天下”往返互推模式的基础上,每个人都依赖这个互推结构确定自己的存在身份和意义。《大学》中提出的“修身一齐家一治国一平天下”的自修路向,因为家、国、天下的紧密关系而具有内在的合理性。近代以来,民族国家的概念传入中国,打破了传统的天下观念,扭转了对国的认识,掀起了对家的批判。这既造成身与家、家与国、国与天下勾连的断裂,也打破了一直以来的自修路向,造成确定自我人生价值的困难。为此,近代中国知识分子(以梁启超、胡适、陈独秀为代表)提出了两条路径:国家主义和世界主义。前者通过个人的公民(国民)身份而确定自我人生意义的获得,后者则试图超越家国、通过人类社会之一员的身份而确定个人人生意义的获得。但国家主义和世界主义这两条路径并非泾渭分明、二必选一,家的意义也不能全然否定。就人生意义的获得而言,“修齐治平”路向仍具有重要意义。 The traditional Chinese ethical thinking is based on the mutual-push-structure model of “Family-State-World”. People relied on this reciprocal structure to build their own identity and life meaning. The way of self-cultivation according 6 Cultivate the Morality Regulate the Family一Govern the State-Order the World’ which is mentioned in the book Daxue gets the inherent rationality because of the close relationship between the family, the country and the world. Since the modern times, when the concept of the modern statewas introduced to China, it changes the traditional con cept of the world, transforms the traditional understanding of the state and criticizes the idea of family. At the same time, the links of personal and family, family and state, state and world are broken,And the channel of self-cultivation for a person is broken, which results in the difficulty in determining one's life meaning. The former tried to establish the life meaning by confirming the in dividual citizenship, and the latter tried to do it by emphasizing the consciousness to be a member of the human identity, which is beyond the realization of thelife meaning in the state. But nationalism and cosmopolitanism are not entirely distinct from each other, and the meaning of family cannot be totally negated. For the meaning of life, it is still of great significance of the model of ‘Cultivate the Morality-Regulate the Family-Govern the State Order the World’.
作者 郭清香 GUO Qingxiang(School of Philosophy, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872)
出处 《中国人民大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期36-44,共9页 Journal of Renmin University of China
基金 中国人民大学2019年度“中央高校建设世界一流大学(学科)和特色发展引导专项资金”
关键词 国家主义 世界主义 人生意义 family state nationalism cosmopolitanism life meaning
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