

Bochner’s formula for spherical monogenics
摘要 在克里佛德分析的框架下,研究了L2(Rd;Cl0,d)空间的直和分解,使得每个子空间在一种广义傅里叶变换下是保持不变的,这种广义傅里叶变换称为克里佛德-傅里叶变换.同时,还得到了L2(Rd;Cl0,d)的每个子空间中函数克里佛德-傅里叶变换的具体表达式,这推广了经典的球面单演函数的博克纳(Bochner)公式. In the framework of Clifford analysis, we study the counterpart of a direct sum decomposition of L2(?d;Cl0,d) into subspaces which are invariant under a generalized Fourier transform, which is called Clifford-Fourier transform in the literature. The explicit Clifford-Fourier transform formula for each component of a function in L2(?d;Cl0,d) is established, which generalizes the Bochner’s formula for spherical monogenics.
作者 李珊珊 LI Shan-shan(School of Computer Science and Technology, Southwest Minzu University,Chengdu 610041, P. R. C.)
出处 《西南民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2019年第4期390-395,共6页 Journal of Southwest Minzu University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 西南民族大学中央高校基金资助项目(2015NZYQN27)
关键词 克里佛德分析 克里佛德-傅里叶变换 球面单演函数 博克纳公式 Clifiord analysis Clifford-Fourier transform spherical monogenics Bochner's formula
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