
黄保民教授从肝心论治消渴合并不寐经验浅析 被引量:5

Experience of Professor HUANG Baomin in Treating Diabetes Combined with Insomnia from the Aspect of Liver and Heart
摘要 消渴常伴发不寐,黄保民教授认为情志因素为消渴并不寐之主因,病机以肝心火旺为基础,阴津耗伤作为病理变化贯穿始终,病位在肝心,可损及肺、胃、肾。结合肝心二脏生理病理特点,肝郁化火扰心或血虚心神失养皆可发为此病。故分为两个证型:郁火扰心证和血虚内热证,从肝心论治,治之以清热泻火为主,辨证辅以疏肝解郁或滋阴养血之法,疗效显著,值得借鉴参考。 Diabetes is often accompanied by insomnia. Professor HUANG Baomin believes that emotional factor is the main cause of diabetes combined with insomnia. The pathogenesis is based on the fire hyperactivity of liver and heart, and the consumption and damage of Yin and essenceas the pathological change through the disease process. The disease is mainly related to the liver and heart, and can damage the lung, stomach and kidney. Considering the physiological and pathological characteristics of the liver and heart, stagnation of the liver Qi and fire-stimulation or blood deficiency and heart scarcity of nutrition can all lead to this disease. Therefore, it is divided into two types:the stagnation of the liver Qi and the internal heat of blood deficiency. The treatment from the liver and heart is ruled by clearing heat and purging fire. According to the different syndromes, the methods of relieving depression or nourishing Yin and blood are used. The efficacy is remarkable and the experience mentioned above is worthy of reference.
作者 田娜 刘旭 喻嵘 苏丽清 陈大光 TIAN Na;LIU Xu;YU Rong;SU Liqing;CHEN Daguang(Graduate School, Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Changsha, Hunan 410208, China;School of Chinese Medicine, Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Changsha, Hunan 410208, China;Classic Teaching and Research Section, Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, Changsha, Hunan 410208, China)
出处 《湖南中医药大学学报》 CAS 2019年第8期967-970,共4页 Journal of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金(81573956)
关键词 消渴 不寐 肝心论治 黄保民 diabetes insomnia treatment from the liver and heart HUANG Baomin
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