
股薄肌在软组织修复重建中的应用 被引量:6

Application of the gracilis in soft tissue repair and reconstruction
摘要 目的探讨股薄肌肌瓣、肌皮瓣的临床解剖学结构及应用方法。方法自2007年1月至2017年6月对24例不同原因致软组织缺损患者,应用带蒂股薄肌肌瓣及肌皮瓣修复会阴软组织缺损8例;游离肌瓣移植治疗面瘫16例。结果 1例行肌皮瓣修复会阴缺损后,远端出现血运障碍,经换药3周后痊愈;1例行肌皮瓣阴道再造后,皮瓣全层出现缺血坏死,经清创肌瓣表面并游离植皮后痊愈。经电话及微信随访6周至9年,所有患者的肌皮瓣和肌瓣均成活良好,治疗效果较满意。结论股薄肌的位置表浅,血供丰富,血管神经走行固定,易于解剖,适用于会阴部软组织缺损修复及动力性面瘫的治疗,效果良好。 Objective To explore the clinical anatomy and application of the muscle flap and musculocutaneous flap of the gracilis. Methods From January 2007 to June 2017, 24 patients with soft tissue defects with various causes were treated. Among them,8 patients with perineal soft tissue defects were repaired by pedicled gracilis muscle flaps and musculocutaneous flaps and 16 patients with facial paralysis were treated by free muscle flap transplantation. Results Distal blood circulation disorder occurred in 1 patient and the musculocutaneous flaps were used to repair perineal soft tissue defects, which was cured after dressing change for 3 weeks. Full-thickness ischemic necrosis of skin flap occurred in 1 patient after vaginal reconstruction by the musculocutaneous flap. This condition was cured by debridement and free skin grafting. After telephone and We Chat follow-up for 6 weeks to 9 years, all musculocutaneous flaps and muscle flaps survived well, and the efficacy of treatment was satisfactory. Conclusion The location of the gracilis was relatively superficial, blood supply was abundant, and blood vessels and nerves were fixed, making it easy to dissect. The gracilis was suitable for the repair of perineal soft tissue defects and dynamic facial paralysis.
作者 梁虹宇 李养群 杨喆 赵穆欣 马宁 唐勇 陈文 许砾思 刘启宇 LIANG Hong-yu;LI Yang-qun;YANG Zhe;ZHAO Muxin;MA Ning;TANG Yong;CHEN Wen;XU Li-si;LIU Qi-yu(The Second,Department of Plastic Surgery, Plastic Surgery Hospital of Peking Union Medical College Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100144, China)
出处 《中国美容整形外科杂志》 CAS 2019年第7期416-418,422,共4页 Chinese Journal of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery
关键词 股薄肌 肌瓣 肌皮瓣 组织修复 组织重建 Gracilis muscle Muscle flap Musculocutaneous flap Tissue repair Tissue reconstruction
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