

Thoughts on punishing black and evil Crimes by Law with the Thought of Rule by Law
摘要 我国打击黑恶势力的刑事立法经历了从无到有、从粗到细的发展历程,经过数次刑法的修订、立法解释、司法解释,初步形成了以《刑法》第294条为主体,以刑法修正案和相关立法解释、司法解释为补充的黑恶势力犯罪惩治体系。当前我国黑恶势力犯罪仍处于活跃期,涉黑涉恶犯罪呈现出活动形式幕后化、非法手段合法化、渗透领域宽泛化、活动方式软暴力化等新动向、新特点。面对这些新情况,需要运用法治思维和法治方式推进为期三年的扫黑除恶专项斗争,坚持露头就打、打早打小、除恶务尽、打准打狠的基本原则,加强摸排核查,提升发现能力;用好用足财产刑,铲除经济基础;用足共犯规定,防止树倒根存;树立开放性思维,防止就案办案;依法惩处软暴力,缝补打击盲区;完善法律体质,加大惩处力度。切实做到宽严有据、罚当其罪,实现政治效果、社会效果和法治效果相统一。 Against black evil forces of criminal legislation in China has experienced a development course from scratch,from coarse to fine,through repeated revision of the criminal law,legislative interpretation,judicial interpretation,initially formed to article 294 of the criminal law as the main body,to the amendment of criminal law and relevant legislative interpretation,judicial interpretation for the supplement of black evil forces criminal punishment system.At present,the crime of the black evil forces in China is still in the active stage,which shows new trends and characteristics such as behind-the-scenes activity,legalization of illegal means,wide penetration and soft violence.In the face of these new conditions,it is necessary to apply the rule of law thinking and way of the rule of law to promote a three-year anti-triad putting special struggle,insist on the outcrop dozen,dozen dozen small,early uproot all evils,the basic principle of the quasi dozen malicious,strengthen MoPai verification,promote found ability,with good property punishment,wipe out the economic basis,use the accomplice,prevent root tree back,sets up the open-mindedness,prevent case handling,soft violence must be punished in accordance with the law,sewing hit the blind area,perfect the law constitution,increase the intensity of punishment,cogent accomplish resulting has according to,when its sin,and realize the political effect,social effect and the effect of the rule of law unifies.
作者 林新建 卓明兴 Lin Xin-jian;Zhuo Ming-xing(Public Security Bureau of Yong'an City,Fujian Yong'an 366000 China)
机构地区 永安市公安局
出处 《西部公安论坛》 2019年第2期1-5,共5页 Journal of Western Public Security
关键词 法治思维 依法惩处 黑恶犯罪 rule of law thinking To punish according to law black evil criminal
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