

Operation and Effect Analysis of Science Communication Activities of German Girls’ Day
摘要 德国“女生日”是世界范围内最大的通过科技传播活动开展的职业指导活动,旨在引导中学女生关注传统男性为主的职业,18年来致力于改善女生对男性主导职业,特别是对MINT领域,即数学(Mathematik)、信息(Informatik)、自然科学(Naturwissenschaft)、工程技术(Technik)相关领域职业的认知,提高女性在该领域的培训、实习、求职的申请率。本文通过梳理文献资料和访谈记录解析“女生日”的组织思路及支撑体系、项目管理运行机制、活动内容组织和宣传推广情况,分析女生日的影响力及效果。 German Girls' Day is the world's largest career guidance activity through science and technology communication activities, aiming to guide middle school girls to pay attention to traditional male-dominated occupations. In 18 years, it has been working to improve girls' awareness on maledominated occupations, particularlly mathematics ( Mathematik ), information (Information ), natural science ( Naturwissenschaft) and engineering technology ( Technik ). So as, to improve women's training-, internship-, and job application rate in these fields. Literature study and interview are main approaches in this paper to analyze the influence and effect of Girls' Day by studying its organizational ideas and support system, project management and running mechanism, activity content organization and promotion strategy.
作者 尚琼洁 莫扬 Shang Qiongjie;Mo Yang(Faculty of Humanities, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049)
出处 《科普研究》 2019年第3期82-90,99,113,共11页 Studies on Science Popularization
关键词 女生日 德国 科技传播 运行效果 Girls' Day Germany science communication operation effect
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