
当代中国的规范体系:理论与制度结构 被引量:176

Norm Systems in Contemporary China: Theory and Institutional Structure
摘要 现代国家和社会的治理首先表现为规范体系的治理。规范体系的提出是因应国家和社会治理体系、治理能力现代化的需求。规范体系为国家机关、政党、社会组织、公民个人等各类主体的行为创设规则,并遵循之。对当代中国规范体系制度结构和理论问题的梳理和描述、展示各种规范类型的存在现状,可以发现,法律规范、党内法规、党的政策、国家政策、社会规范是当代中国社会中客观存在的规范类型,在各自的不同场域发挥作用。每种规范类型有其不同的性质,其规范来源也不相同。法律规范来自有立法权的国家机关;党内法规及其政策来自执政党组织;国家政策来自国家政权机关;社会规范来自社会自身以及各种各样的社会组织机构。因规范来源的不同,有不同的法律地位、作用和功能。各种规范类型的有机组合而形成的一个有机体系,构成当代中国规范体系的基本制度结构。在法治中国建设中,应对各种规范体系予以科学、恰当的法律定位,并准确界定各种不同规范类型在社会治理结构和法治结构中的地位、作用及其相互关系,构建当代中国的规范体系理论及其制度结构。 The governance of modern countries and societies is manifest primarily in the governance of their norm systems. The formation of norm systems occurs in response to the needs of the state and social governance and the modernization of governance capabilities. Norms create rules for the actions of various bodies such as organs of state, political parties, social organizations and individual citizens, and observes these rules. By reviewing and describing the institutional structure and theoretical issues of contemporary Chinese norm systems and demonstrating the existence of various types of norms, we can see that legal norms, party regulations, Party policies, state policies, and social norms are the types of norms objectively existing in contemporary Chinese society. Each of these plays a role in its own field;each has its own character, and their sources also differ. Legal norms come from organs of state with legislative power;internal Party rules and policies come from the ruling Party organizations;state policies come from the organs of state power;and social norms come from society itself and various social organizations. Due to their different sources, norms have varying legal status, roles and functions. The basic institutional structure in contemporary China is consisted of the various types of norms systems organically combined. In the rule of law construction in China, we should give an appropriate legal position to them and accurately define their status, role and interrelationship in social governance structure and rule of law structure, so as to construct the theory and institutional structure of norm systems of contemporary China.
作者 刘作翔 Liu Zuoxiang
出处 《中国社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第7期85-108,206,共25页 Social Sciences in China
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目“‘重大改革于法有据’理论与实践研究”(18AFX001) 上海师范大学社会科学精品项目“法治中国下的规范体系研究”阶段性成果 “上海高校高峰高原学科建设(上海师范大学)资助计划”资助
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