

The prognostic effect of MCL-1 in acute myeloid leukemia
摘要 目的探讨MCL-1在急性粒细胞白血病中的预后作用。方法选择本院2016年7月至2017年11月血液科所收治的AML确诊患者共计50例作为实验组对象,采纳阿糖胞苷联合蒽环类(标准化3+7的方案)进行医治,研究MCL-1与AML患者的性别、年龄、白细胞CD34表达、血红蛋白含量、骨髓原始细胞以及血小板计数等临床指标预后的关联性。结果AML患者治疗2个疗程之后,MCL-1在非完全缓解组(NonCR)中的表达要超出完全缓解组(CR)的表达,两者差异存在统计学意义(P=0.0076),而和患者外周血的白细胞CD34表达、血红蛋白含量、骨髓原始细胞以及血小板计数等相关的指标存在着预后的影响关系。结论MCL-1在急性粒细胞白血病中具有重要的预后作用,是推断预后的一个分子标记物指标。 Objective To study the effect of MCL-1 in acute myeloid leukemia.Methods From July 2016 to November 2017 admitted by the onset of a total of 50 patients with AML diagnosed as experimental object,adopting joint anthracycline-based cytarabine(standardized 3+7)to heal,the MCL-1 with AML patients'gender,age,WBC CD34 expression,hemoglobin content,primitive bone marrow cells and platelet count the relevance of clinical indicators of prognosis.Results AML patients after 2 courses of treatment,MCL-1 in Non complete remission group(Non CR)expression than complete remission(CR)set of expression,both there are significant statistical difference(P=0.007 6),and peripheral blood leukocytes CD34 patients with expression,hemoglobin content,primitive bone marrow cells and platelet count related indexes such as there is a relationship between the prognosis.Conclusion MCL-1 is an important prognostic marker for prognosis in acute myeloid leukemia.
作者 何程明 钟明星 胡庭香 肖作淼 袁冬妹 He Chengming;Zhong Mingxing;Hu Tingxiang;Xiao Zuomiao;Yuan Dongmei(Department of Hematology,Ganzhou People' s Hospital,Ganzhou,Jiangxi,341000,China)
出处 《当代医学》 2019年第23期85-87,共3页 Contemporary Medicine
基金 江西省赣州市科技局项目基金(GZ2017ZSF243)
关键词 MCL-1 急性粒细胞 白血病 预后 作用 MCL-1 Acute granulocytes Leukemia Prognosis Role
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