In the Meiji period, Japanese intellectual circles promoted a set of theories designed to demonstrate the rationality and legitimacy of Japanese expansion. These originated in the social Darwinist idea of the “law of the jungle”[literally,“the strong prey on the weak”], introduced into Japan from the West. Starting from this point, and believing that Japan was leading the way in Asian civilization, Japanese intellectuals put forward the theory that “the civilized conquers the barbarian”. Japan, being already a “civilized power” in Asia, could compete on a world scale alongside Europe and the United States, so it was the strong nation to which the weak of Asia fell prey. Moreover, the Meiji intellectuals regarded other Asian countries as “barbaric and backward” societies only fit to be “prey”. Taking this position a step further, they promoted the idea that Japan had a moral duty to “export civilization” and “protect” the suffering peoples of Asia. The “justice” of Japanese expansion thus seemed to have acquired a “rational” interpretation. Fanning the flames of parochial nationalism, the Meiji intellectuals provided a “legitimate” interpretation for the expansion of militarism.
Historical Research