
美国国家公园应对气候变化的经验及其对中国国家公园建设的启示 被引量:4

Experience of the U.S. National Parks in Response to Climate Change and Its Implications to China’s National Parks
摘要 2017年随着《建设国家公园体制总体方案》的出台,中国的国家公园建设逐渐步入正轨。然而我国人口众多,幅员辽阔,气候条件复杂且生态环境脆弱,正在建立的国家公园极易受到气候变化所带来的不利影响,且我国关于国家公园应对气候变化的研究较少。美国的国家公园体制较为完善,在应对气候变化方面已有较为深入的探索。通过文献调研和比较分析法,以佛罗里达州大沼泽地国家公园和亚利桑那州大峡谷国家公园为例,分析其应对气候变化的方法与经验,并从气候监测、国家公园管理、适应性规划以及环境教育等方面对我国国家公园应对气候变化提出建议,使正在建设中的中国特色国家公园体制稳步推进。 Since the promulgation of the "Overall Plan for Building a National Park System" in 2017, China’s national park construction has got on track. However, China has a large population, a vast territory, complicated climatic conditions and a fragile ecological environment, and the ongoing national park system is highly vulnerable to the effects of global climate change. Thus it is very important to include climate change considerations in China’s national parks. The U.S. national park system is relatively mature and has years of experiences in response to climate change. Based on literature review, the authors introduced and analyzed two cases including the Everglades National Park and the Grand Canyon National Park in regards to the experiences of climate change adaptation. Learning from experiences from the United States, the authors make recommendations to China national parks including climate change monitoring, park management, adaptation planning and environmental education.
作者 祝明建 吴莹莹 刘倩 黄亦菲 ZHU Mingjian;WU Ying;LIU Qian;HUANG Yifei
出处 《中国园林》 北大核心 2019年第7期88-92,共5页 Chinese Landscape Architecture
基金 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“我国滨海保护地应对海平面上升的生物多样性保护规划的研究”(编号31600437) 华南理工大学人才队伍建设经费(编号D6191970)共同资助
关键词 风景园林 国家公园 气候变化 环境教育 情景规划 landscape architecture national park climate change environmental education scenario planning
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